• The U.S. is not a party to MARPOL Annex IV and therefore compliance with Annex IV in U.S.waters is voluntary.However,vessels registered in the United States visiting nations that are a party may need to demonstrate compliance with MARPOL Annex IV regulations on the prevention of polluti...
7MARPOL公约附则IV AnnexIVofMARPOL73/78 RegulationsforthePreventionofPollutionbySewagefromShips Definitions(Regulation1)(1)Newship (2)Existingship (3)Sewage-anydrainageorwastesfromtoilets,urinalsandWCscuppers;anydrainagefrommedicalareasthroughwashbasins,tubeorscuppers;anydrainagefromspacescontaininglivinganimals;...
Compliance with Revised MARPOL Annex IV International Sewage RegulationsJeanne M. Grasso
Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 * Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships Regulation 1 Definitions For the purposes of the present Annex: (1) New ship means a ship: (a) for which the building contract is placed, or in the absence of a ...
Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 contains regulations for the prevention of ().A.pollution by
Annex I: entered into force on 4 April 1993; --1992 amendments (resolution MEPC.51(32)) on discharge criteria of Annex I: entered into force on 6 July 1993; -- 1992 amendments (resolution MEPC.52(32)) on new regulations 13F and 13G and related amendments to Annex I: entered into ...
Chapter 1 gives a general description of MARPOL ANNEX VI and consists of 4 regulations that explain the chapter’s “Application” in different types of ships and the “Definition” of different terminologies used in the chapter. The regulation may not apply to all kinds of ships; hence, a ...
MARPOL73/78附则Ⅳ于()生效。 答案解析 (单选题) 73/78防污公约目前生效的附则有()。 答案解析 (单选题) 《防止油污规则》是MARPOL73/78公约()的名称。 答案解析 (单选题) 《防止油污规则》是MARPOL73/78公约()的名称。 答案解析 (单选题) MARPOL73/78公约附则Ⅵ是关于()的规则。 答案解析 (单选题) 下...
Britannia’s Loss Prevention team provide an update on the latest amendment to MARPOL Annex VI, Appendix V, updating Bunker Delivery Note.