Value between 0 and 255 //LCD和SD卡的配置,此文件中我已经根据我的LCD和SD卡板子做了相应调整,可以直接使用,如果你使用了其它LCD板子,需要做其它配置 //LCD and SD support #define ULTRA_LCD //general lcd support, also 16x2 //#define DOGLCD // Support for SPI LCD 128x64 (Controller ST7565R...
(F_CPU/64.0/256.0))//samplingperiodofthetemperatureroutine//Ifyouareusingapre-configuredhotendthenyoucanuseoneofthevaluesetsbymentingit// ///MendelPartsV9on#endif///SelectPIDorbang-bangwithPIDTEMPBED.Ifbang-bang,BED_LIMIT_SWITCHINGwillenable mentthistoenablePIDonthebed.Itusesthesamefrequencyasthe...
Anyone who buys shares in these “companies/corps” the “US Venture Capitalists” are creating will loose their money unless they “hot potato” them, because nearly all those “companies/corps” are actually acting illegally and will cease to have value when the authorities take action. A ...
The value should be an integer and the heat bed will be turned on for 1 interval of // HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER intervals. //#define HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER 4 ///该配置是为了防止热床电阻太小,长时间加热容易烧mos管,增加这个数字,可以防止mos管过热,但加热时间会增长 // If you ...
// This configuration file contains the basic settings.// Advanced settings can be found in ...
#if ENABLED(PIDTEMPBED) #define PID_BED_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX MAX_BED_POWER //limit for the integral term //120V 250W silicone heater into 4mm borosilicate (MendelMax 1.5+) //from FOPDT model - kp=.39 Tp=405 Tdead=66, Tc set to 79.2, aggressive factor of .15 (vs .1, 1, 10) #...