The value should be an integer and the heat bed will be turned on for 1 interval of // HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER intervals. //#define HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER 4 //PID温控配置,暂时没做研究,谁了解请告诉我。 // PID settings: // Comment the following line to disable PID and ...
(F_CPU/64.0/256.0))//samplingperiodofthetemperatureroutine//Ifyouareusingapre-configuredhotendthenyoucanuseoneofthevaluesetsbymentingit// ///MendelPartsV9on#endif///SelectPIDorbang-bangwithPIDTEMPBED.Ifbang-bang,BED_LIMIT_SWITCHINGwillenable mentthistoenablePIDonthebed.Itusesthesamefrequencyasthe...
All-in-One firmware for your 32-bit Prusa MK2.5S & MK3S/+ Bear! - PrusaAIO/Marlin/Prusa_AIO_Configuration.h at prusa-aio-bugfix-2.1.x · thisiskeithb/PrusaAIO
Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine. - Marlin/Marlin/Configuration.h at 559
Thus, we pose a more challenging task that en- courages the model to learn spatio-temporal representations to cover local as well as global information. Inspired by prior works [27, 60] showing high-quality reconstruction results along with rich and generic latent f...
// This configuration file contains the basic settings.// Advanced settings can be found in ...
* When set to any value below 255, enables a form of PWM to the bed that acts like a divider * so don't use it unless you are OK with PWM on your bed. (See the comment on enabling PIDTEMPBED) */ #define MAX_BED_POWER 255 // limits duty cycle to bed; 255=...
#define DUMMY_THERMISTOR_999_VALUE 100 // Use temp sensor 1 as a redundant sensor with sensor 0. If the readings // from the two sensors differ too much the print will be aborted. //使用温度传感器1作为带传感器0的冗余传感器,如果从两个传感器的读数差异太大,打印将被中止。
The value should be an integer and the heat bed will be turned on for 1 interval of // HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER intervals. //#define HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER 4 ///该配置是为了防止热床电阻太小,长时间加热容易烧mos管,增加这个数字,可以防止mos管过热,但加热时间会增长 // If you ...
Where the generator is assumed to be “stochastic” and the “matched filter” the probablistic model of the “parrot”. In reality the “parrot” matched filter has to be “adaptive” from a cohort of continuous “training data” that will include it’s own output at some point. But ...