Hotelsource,howtoincreasethegoldcontentoftouristsource? Howtomakethetouristsourcemoreevenlydistributed throughouttheyear?Howtomakethehotelbusinessbetter?This isasubstantiveproblem.Namely:hotelmarketingstrategy. Problemsexistinginhotelmarketingwork PracticeshowsthatChina'shotelindustryhasabiggapin ...
The hotel industry is becoming more international in nature, a process started in the late 1940s by American groups such as Hilton and InterContinental. Both groups were, in those days, tied to airlines by equity holdings; the location of foreign-owned hotels was therefore associated with the g...
Reknown provides strategy and execution in digital marketing, content marketing, product marketing and online reputation management.
Every hotel business must take time to identify their key audience, determine their unique selling proposition, and market their business where their customers are looking for them. Consequently, the marketing strategy of your hotel should be unique and must include a strategic website design that ...
strategyhotelsmarketingThis paper attempts to reduce the distance between theory and practice as applied to strategic marketing planning for hotels. It utilizes data gained from interviews of key personnel in four large hotel chains with mixed business, and positioned at the quality end of the market...
1.designed a marketing strategy for the new product.为新产品制定营销策略. 2.The Sales & Marketing Strategy Study for XAHOTELXAHOTEL的市场营销策略研究 3.A Research on Key Account Marketing Strategy of Industry Product Marketing;工业品营销中的大客户营销策略研究 4.A Probe into the city marketing ...
Thus, the thought of marketing and promotion strategy should be developed in a planned, staffed and structured to provide the enabling hospitality company to move the market in better condition that can ensure greater market share, making it possible to take the product or service to customer...
把握酒店营销策略(Graspthehotelmarketingstrategy) Inrecentyears,China'shotelindustryisinaperiodofrapid development,thenumberofhotels,guestroomnumberincreased yearbyyear,buttheoverallprofitabilityofthehoteldid notappearoverallincreasedtoagreatextent,islargelydue totheinappropriateunderstandingofhotelmarketingstrategy. The...
This strategy is more successful in approachingcorporate guests. 6. Travel Fests and Marts Travel fests are one of the classic platforms for hoteliers to connect with a wider audience and promote their property. They are also known as trade fairs, travel marts, and holiday expo. ...
aWhen the enterprises design the product strategy,it should consider the online marketing environment,try to satisfy the personalized needs of the different customers,develop new products to fit the market trends, create new market needs an d establish the self-advan tage of the enterprise. 当企业...