The immune tolerogenic dendritic cells can be easily collected when using the genetic marker, and thus enabling high industrial availability in a composition for treating various cells.LIM, DAE SEOGLEE, EUN GAEHWANG, SUNG UKJUNG, NAM CHUL
Dendritic cells (DC) are potent antigen-presenting cells that are important for the induction of the primary immune response, including induction of T cell responses, migration, or antigen capture. Dendritic cells are found in different tissues and immature forms are also found in the blood. They...
Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cell-associated autoantigen CLIP-170/restin is a marker for dendritic cells and is involved in the trafficking of macropinosomes to the cytoskeleton, supporting a function-based concept of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells. Blood. 2002;100:4139-45 pubmed Breel M, La...
viablecellswereusedforanalysis. MouseMHCClassIH-2K b /SIINFEKL % o f M a x MHCIH-2K b /SIINFEKL NewDendriticCellMarkers DendriticCell E L I S A R e a d y - S E T - G o ! ® R e c o m b i n a n t C a r r i e r - r e e R e c o m b i n a n ...
Dendritic cells are a complex group of mainly bone marrow derived cells that possess significant ability to take up, process, and present soluble antigens to responder cells in the lymphoid tissues. Characterization of DC surface markers has been a difficult task owing to the lack of appropriate ...
interindividual differences in intelligence are, to a significant extent, manifested in the wiring properties of brain tissue, for example, in circuit complexity or dendritic arborization13. Evidence supporting the neural efficiency hypothesis of intelligence mainly comes from studies investigating brain ...
BioLegend’s Maturation Markers page describes the stage-specific markers during differentiation for various cell types, including T cells, Tregs, B cells, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. This page provides a unique view to compare and
Dendritic cells (DCs) are considered as a subset of mononuclear phagocytes that composed of multiple subsets with distinct phenotypic features. DCs play crucial roles in the initiation and modulation of immune responses to both allo- and auto-antigens during pathogenic settings, encompassing infectious...
代码语言:javascript 复制 BcellsCD14+MonocytesCD4TcellsCD8Tcells Dendritic cellsFCGR3A+Monocytes MegakaryocytesNKcells ctrl101113186336955811284ctrl10154767839192261123225208ctrl10161444195266711012615151ctrl10393011620230528520ctrl1075122219731229549ctrl1244134
IL-23 secreted by macrophages and dendritic cells is reported to be potential initiators of Th17 pathway, and be involved in activation, proliferation, differentiation and maintenance of Th17 cells, which subsequently acti- vates the generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines thus amplifying immune ...