Markdown: List 嵌入 code block Code is possible in markdown (seehere) - you just have toleave a blank lineandthen indent by 8 spacesas a minimum. The text below: * examplethis.isSomeCode =true; * addMoreCode(); will generate this: example this.isSomeCode=true; addMoreCode(); LaTe...
The most important part of any communication on GitHub is usually the text itself, but how do you show that some parts of the text are more important than others?Using italics in text is as easy as surrounding the target text with single asterisks (*) or single underscores (_). Just be...
nonumbers boolean;false Sets options to prevent equations, tables, figure from being numbered showPageBreaks boolean;false Hidden tags will be shown in html like page break centerImages boolean;true Center align images by default centerTables boolean;true Center align tables by default validateLink ...
This is an in-line code variable. You can also have code in links. Here’s a configuration file with a label: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default server { listen 80 default_server; . . . } Copy Examples can have line numbers, and every code block has a ‘Copy’ button to copy ...
{cursor:pointer}html body blockquote{margin:16px 0;font-size:inherit;padding:0 15px;color:#5c5c5c;border-left:4px solid #d6d6d6}html body blockquote>:first-child{margin-top:0}html body blockquote>:last-child{margin-bottom:0}html body hr{height:4px;margin:32px 0;background-color:#d...
To format a code block in Markdown, indent every line of the block by at least four spaces. An indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph, so you must insert at least one empty line between a paragraph and the indented code block that follows. The input is processed as follows: ...
Markdown 语法说明 简体中文版. Contribute to suyilearn/Markdown-syntax-zh_CN development by creating an account on GitHub.
Within a Markdown file, text with four spaces at the beginning of the line automatically converts to a code block.Set a language identifier for the code block to enable syntax highlighting for any of the supported languages in highlightjs....
🐊Putout uses formatters similar to ESLint's formatters. You can specify a formatter using the --format or -f flag on the command line. For example, --format codeframe uses the codeframe formatter.The built-in formatter options are:...
show auto number for toc (#737) 11个月前 examples feat: #1006 流式会话场景中,增加flowSessionCursor配置项,实现虚拟光标的效果 2个月前 logo add new logo 2年前 src fix: #1014 修复engine.makeHtml报错的问题 2个月前 test fix(Unittest): 修复了单元测试代码中的诸多小问题 (#482) ...