code-line-numbers: true link-citations: true # 设置正文引用可以超链接到参考文献表中相应的条目,默认为 false,当然true啦 reference-section-title: "参考文献" bibliography: references.bib reference-doc: "F:\\OneDrive\\文档\\模板\\ref.docx" csl: "gb-t-7714-2015-numeric-bilingual-no-uppercase-n...
/* markdown模式下为代码加入行号, 调用插件highlightjs-line-numbers.js */ hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); hljs.initLineNumbersOnLoad(); }); function setCodeRowWithLang(pre) { /* var pre = $(".cnblogs-post-body pre"); 选中需要处理的代码块, 如果不是首页,选择器为 .cnblogs-markdown pre ...
The most advanced Code Notes tool for Jetbrains IDEs plus a Visual Markdown editor. Allows adding code notes/bookmarks without altering the code, supports attachments... What’s New: Notes Changelog. Check out the full list of the latest version 👉 cha
Fix markdown-fontify-whole-heading-line regression GH-848 Fix using fundamental-mode issue when editting code block GH-868 Fix highlighting URL in angle brackesGH-822 Improvements: Apply url-unescape against URL in an inline link GH-805 Show mode toggle message only if it is called interactive...
lineNumbering boolean;false Sets line numbers. Recommended for synchronization with a text editor. outMath TOutputMath;{} Sets options to output html mathJax TOutputMathJax;{} Sets options to output MathJax htmlSanitize THtmlSanitize;{} Sets html output options (if htmlTags=true). Cleans up ...
🐊Putout uses formatters similar to ESLint's formatters. You can specify a formatter using the --format or -f flag on the command line. For example, --format codeframe uses the codeframe formatter.The built-in formatter options are:...
Code highlighting entered within the Markdown widget renders code in diff format with line prefixed by '-' and '+'. Example: ```suggestion for i in range(A, B+100, C): ``` For more information, seeSuggest changes in comments. ...
Don't use more than one blank line. Multiple blank lines render as a single blank line in HTML, therefore the extra blank lines are unnecessary. Within a code block, consecutive blank lines break the code block. Spacing is significant in Markdown. ...
Open and close a fenced code block with exactly three backquotes (```) or tildes (~~~). Close the code block with the same character you used to open the code block. Enterstacktracein the opening line of the code fence to set the language. ...
vscode-markdownlintis amarkdownlintextension for theVisual Studio Code editor. markdownlint-cli2is designed to work well in conjunction withvscode-markdownlint. More about themotivation formarkdownlint-cli2. Use Command Line markdownlint-cli2 vX.Y.Z (markdownlint vX.Y.Z) ...