A generalized Duffingu2013van der Pol oscillator with nonlinear fractional order damping is introduced and investigated by the residue harmonic homotopy. The cubic displacement involved in fractional operator is used to describe the higher-order viscoelastic behavior of materials and of aerodynamic damping...
Ens, Martijn van de Pol, Henk van der Jeugd, Magali Frauendorf, Henk-Jan van der Kolk, Kees Oosterbeek, Jeroen Nienhuis, Eelke Jongejans. 2019: Colour-ring wear and loss effects in citizen science mark-resighting studies. Avian Research, 10(1): 11. DOI: 10.1186/s40657-019-0151-z ...
2.Neimark-Sacker Bifurcations of Numerical Discretization for Van Der Pol Equation with Two Delays;双时滞van der Pol方程离散格式的Neimark-Sacker分支 3.The act or process of branching out or dividing into branches.分叉分岔或开岔的行动或过程 4.Bifurcations of Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Solutions wit...
4d–f). Using mean nuclear intensity features, perturbations targeting Pol II transcription (AZD4573, triptolide) showed low pairwise silhouette scores, indicating common changes in overall nuclear abundance of the proteins and protein states measured (Fig. 4d). In almost all of the cases, pair...
Nonlinear dynamics of self-, parametric, and externally excited oscillator with time delay: van der Pol versus Rayleigh models The frequency-locking phenomenon and transition to quasi-periodic oscillations via Hopf bifurcation of the second kind (Neimark–Sacker bifurcation) are ... J Warminski - ...
The Van der Pol oscillator tends to a limit cycle in phase space. Only energy conservative schemes can represent it especially for long time simulations. This problem requires also to treat explicitly a term which depends on velocity in internal stresses. A solution is to use the last known ve...
1. Päätä, kuka on kohderyhmäsi tunnistaminen kohdeyleisösi Ennen kuin teet kohderyhmän, on ratkaisevan tärkeää saada asiaankuuluvia oivalluksia. Tässä on muutamia vaiheita, joiden avulla voit tunnistaa kohdeyleisösi: Määritä tavoitteet: Piirrä selk...
Centre for Avian Population StudiesMartijn van de PolSovon Dutch Centre for Field OrnithologyHenk van der JeugdCentre for Avian Population StudiesMagali FrauendorfDepartment of Animal EcologyHenk-Jan van der KolkCentre for Avian Population Studies...
Duffing-van der Pol振子随机分岔的全局分析 2. Study of Stochastic Bifurcation and Chaotic Phenomenon in Economic System; 经济系统中的随机分岔与混沌现象研究 3. The max Lyapunov exponent was calculated through quasi non-integrable Hamiltonian system theory and Oseledec mutiplicative ergodic theory,the ...
8 3 Niedbala Bartlomiej FM POL 2403 3.5 0 13.00 9 5 Fogarasi Tibor GM HUN 2325 3 0 13.75 10 2 Sahithi Varshini M WIM IND 2220 1.5 0 5.75 10 playersVezerkepzo Nov GM2 2022 Budapest HUN Thu 17th Nov 2022 - Sat 26th Nov 2022. Category: 6. Ave: (2383) RkNameTitleFEDElo1234567891...