Le Pen, Marine(Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen)(märēnˈ)(lə pĕn, pŏN), 1968–, French politician, daughter of Jean-MarieLe Pen. A lawyer, she was in private practice (1992–98) before becoming head of legal affairs (1998–2003) and deputy chairwoman (2003–11) of the National...
十幾年前Marine Le Pen接下她父親的棒子成為RN的當家主事者開始,我一直關注著她的從政發展。 12年初露頭角參加大選就聚集了鎂光燈焦點,將一個極右翼激進小黨提到台面上,也是RN創黨以來在大選中的選票比率首次...
【法语精听】Trahison chez les Le Pen-La semaine de Philippe Caverivière- 29 janvier 1万 10 4:34 App Garou 演唱《大教堂时代》(Le temps des cathédrales) 57 -- 10:16 App 【TEDx】Comment les robots peuvent sauver des vies?| Manon VERMENOUZE 61 -- 49:15 App 【课堂】Transition énergé...
The Irish Times view: An emphatic ‘Non’ to Le Pen France’s election of Macron will be celebrated across Europe Sun May 07 2017 - 20:11 Macron has shown grit and guile, but can he go the distance? The new, untried president faces the enormous task of arresting France’s slide By ...
Marine Le Pen fails to form far-right bloc in European parliamentWillsher, Kim
Marine Le Pen La violence d’Éric Zemmour à mon égard est incompréhensible 197播放 ·总弹幕数02021-11-29 00:55:46 主人,未安装Flash插件,暂时无法观看视频,您可以… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYBC1_OGeZg 法语
玛丽娜·勒朋(Marine Le Pen)在2017年的采访中告诉媒体:“我所代表的政策是普京先生所代表的政策“!强调如果她成为法国总统,克里姆林宫将取得多大的胜利。 人物介绍:玛琳·勒朋(法语:Marine Le Pen,1968年...
The complicated relations within the Le Pen family have for years made French headlines. Marechal is more socially conservative and economically liberal than her aunt, closer to the mould of her grandfather, who fell out with Marine when she kicked him out the party. Go...
Orbán, Le Pen to hold ‘Make Europe Great Again’ rally in Madrid By MAX GRIERA 01/27/2025 03:56 PM EST Presidential transition World’s far-right populists pack guest list for Trump’s inauguration By NICHOLAS VINOCUR and NAHAL TOOSI 01/16/2025 04:15 AM EST Foreign...
et l’a transformé en une machine politique redoutable. Après les dernières élections, le Rassemblement National (Marine Le Pen a abandonné le nom FN dans le cadre de sa stratégie de “dédiabolisation” pour adoucir son image) a plus de sièges à l’Assemblée nationale que tout au...