出生日期:1968年8月5日 更多外文名:Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen (本名) IMDb编号:nm2265187 职业:演员 关注1人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 暂无 图片· ···(全部 0 张·上传照片) 最近的5部作品 ··· 2018 L'insoumis 暂无评分 2017 胜利
Thrower FJ, Joyce E (2006) The effects of stock and pre-release marine net-pen culture on survival to adulthood, age at maturity, and fisheries contribution for three stocks of Chinook salmon in Southeast Asia. N Am J Aquacult 68:317–323...
Bower's Cup Coral ___ BJ CA SC (SCMI:30) in the central and southern Gulf of California, north to Monterey CA Coenocyathus bowersi Consag Cup Coral ___ BJ CA SC (SCMI:31) in the northern and central Gulf of California, north to southern California Bathycyathus consagensis Orange...
The Mesozoic Marine Revolution (MMR) was a major evolutionary episode involving the large-scale restructuring of shallow-marine benthic communities and the rise to dominance of the Modern Evolutionary Fauna. Although the majority of studies published on the MMR have been based on the body-fossil rec...
Peng Z, Ludwig A, Wang D, Diogo R, Wei Q, He S (2007) Age and biogeography of major clades in sturgeons and paddlefishes (Pisces: Acipenseriformes). Mol Phylogenet Evol 42:854–862 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Praebel K, Westgaard JI, Fevolden SE, Christiansen JS (2008) Circumpolar...
Basking Shark (t3) (*) ___ AK Cetorhinus maximus The Basking Shark is the world's second largest fish, can be over 30 feet long and weigh more than 4 tons; it can jump completely out of the water. MACKEREL SHARKS (Family Lamnidae) (Great) White Shark (t3) ___ AK (species des...
Compared to the neighboring countries in the Arabian Penin- sula, Oman has the longest coastal habitats along the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Oman, and the Arabian Gulf. Oman contrib- utes a rich environment to marine biodiversity, one example is Ras Al-Hadd, one of the largest nesting ...
Marine invertebrates are the rich source of small molecules with unique chemical skeletons and potent bioactivities; however, the major biological activities tested for marine natural products have been mainly limited to the traditional phenotype-oriented bioactivities such as cytotoxicity or anti-microbial ...
Isidella elongatais a cold-water coral (CWC) living on soft bottoms (Carpine and Grasshoff1975). The species belongs to the family Keratoisididae, also known as “bamboo corals”. The family inherited its name due to its physical structure, with a candelabrum shape with ramifications consisti...
Ocean acidification, caused by the increased uptake of WanthhertohperogoernnicotCtOhi2sinphseenawomateenr,ohnashaoscccuornrterdibiuntecdontocetrhtewditehclwinaermininCgaldaunruins gsptph.isreombsaeirnvsautinoknnalowpenr.iod. Animals are adapted to survive within a 'thermal window', with ...