Marijuana should be legalized in the U.S. for many reasons, but mainly because it can reduce the number of deaths. Drug trafficking is one of the worst causes from Marijuana being illegal in most states, especially around the border between Mexico and the United Sates. A drug cartel is a...
Should medical marijuana be legal in Utah? If it was legalized in Utah, there would be lots of negative things that would happen. Education and learning could be affected immensely. Injuries and even death could occur when using this drug. Environmental damage could occur. Marijuana can be ...
Most clinicians who responded to aMedscape Medical Newspollsaid medical and recreational marijuana should be legalized in the United States. The poll, which was posted May 9, was taken in light of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) then-impending legislation to decriminalize marijuana...
Marijuana should be legalized, subjected to rules, regulationsJOSH KAPPEL GUEST COLUMNIST
Marijuana should be legalized in the United Statesadam webb
A growing majority of Americans believe that recreational marijuana should be legal. ACBS News/YouGovpoll released in April 2022 found that two-thirds of Americans want recreational marijuana use to be legalized under federal law and in their own state. A previousPew Research Centersurvey found ...
As California attorney general, an office she was elected to in 2010, Harrisopposedallowing marijuana to be sold for recreational use. Marijuana wasn't legalized for recreational use in California until 2016. Harris' views on marijuana as U.S. senator ...
Marijuanashould be legalized. 大麻应当合法化. 期刊摘选 Now wait, you're saying your owners were drinking and smokingmarijuanabefore they wrecked. 等一下, 你是说在出事前你的主人们有的在喝水,有的在吸大麻. 期刊摘选 He was busted for havingmarijuana. ...
Ferner M. Why marijuana should be legalized: ‘regulate marijuana like alcohol’ campaign discusses why pot prohibition has been a failure. Huffington Post. August 28, 2012. Accessed May 24, 2019. Adol...
Marijuana Use Should be Legal The issue of the legalization of Marijuana is a never-ending battle that the country will never fully win. Marijuana should be legalized because it is a large part of the drug war, which will never come to an end. Society is in the midst of a time of ...