On Thursday at 11 a.m., the Washington County Wastewater Department initiated an updated, computerized sewer ... Empty Bowls raising money for local food pantries WILLIAMSTOWN — Empty Bowls of the Mid-Ohio Valley will hold its 25th annual luncheon Saturday, with all ticket ... Pure imaginatio...
Martin Marietta’s Magnesia Specialties sites in Woodville, Ohio, and Manistee, Michigan, recently celebrated a terrific milestone. East Division procurement specialist earns prestigious scholarship Sep 30, 2024 South Carolina Aggregates Association awards Martin Marietta team member with scholarship. ...
In 1860, Marietta became the sixteenth college awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the world's oldest honorary society. The athletic department sponsors 18 varsity sports that compete in NCAA Division III and the Ohio Athletic Conference. The college's baseball team won the fourth Division III...
A health hazard evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on June 10-11 and December 12, 1975 at the Koroseal Division of B. F. Goodrich Company in Marietta, Ohio, a facility engaged in the production of an extrudable magnetic plastic containing barium ferrite. The survey regarded the ...
MARIETTA — A program that provides breast milk for infants who need it now has a connection with the Memorial Health System in Marietta. Memorial established itself as part of the OhioHealth Mothers’ Milk Bank network late last year, and several nursing mothers have begun contribut...
(Marietta Memorial Hospital),”said Dr. Dan Breece, vice president of physician services and chief medical officer for Memorial Health System.“We have had the highest instances of a community healthcare system in the state of Ohio, if not regionally. Our highest census was 75 which was far ...
Elevated exposure to ambient manganese (Mn) is associated with adverse health outcomes. In Marietta, Ohio, the primary source of ambient Mn exposure is from the longest operating ferromanganese refinery in North America. In this study, the US EPA air dispersion model, AERMOD, was used to ...
In response to a request from the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers InternationalUnion, a health hazard evaluation was conducted at the Eveready Battery Company (SIC-3313) electrolytic manganese-dioxide facility in Marietta, Ohio. Two employees had a Parkinson like disease which could be related to...
¯ An appointment of a new health administrator for the Washington County Health Department after the exit of Roger Coffman in the middle of the pandemic.
¯ Familiarizing the committee with the state safety requirements for a 911 building; and, ¯ Determining the type of building that is required, and where it could be established. The 911 operation will be a county department but Ohio Revised Code specifies the mayor of each city (Marietta...