MARIETTA — A program that provides breast milk for infants who need it now has a connection with the Memorial Health System in Marietta. Memorial established itself as part of the OhioHealth Mothers’ Milk Bank network late last year, and several nursing mothers have begun contribut...
”said Dr. Dan Breece, vice president of physician services and chief medical officer for Memorial Health System.“We have had the highest instances of a community healthcare system in the state of Ohio, if not regionally. Our highest census was...
leadership has challenged each team member to identify potential dangers, isolate that hazard to minimize or eliminate its potential impact and improve the system that caused the potential hazard in the first place. The 3-I’s go together with Hazard Hunts...
Bahama Rock employee's weight loss sparks team health initiative Aug 22, 2019 Sanadia Smith was overweight, run down and unhappy until she made serious changes to her lifestyle. When her co-workers noticed, they wanted to know her secrets. ...
Nervous system disordersIn response to a request from the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers InternationalUnion, a health hazard evaluation was conducted at the Eveready Battery Company (SIC-3313) electrolytic manganese-dioxide facility in Marietta, Ohio. Two employees had a Parkinson like disease which...
The public opening of a COVID test clinic by Memorial Health System in Marietta, without required referral by a doctor due to symptoms, saw the eyes of 9,410 readers in April, as many stayed home with the hopes of slowing the spread of the virus only 15 days after the first death of...
A health hazard evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on June 10-11 and December 12, 1975 at the Koroseal Division of B. F. Goodrich Company in Marietta, Ohio, a facility engaged in the production of an extrudable magnetic plastic containing barium ferrite. The survey regarded the ...
have a little device in my car from my insurance company that provides them with information about how fast I go and how quickly I stop and go around corners. The promise of a discount lured me in. The software clearly wasn’t written by someone who drives the roads of southea...
During the initial response phase of the pandemic, Durham worked closely with Memorial Health System. With a grant from the Ohio Department of Health, the Marietta Fire Department helped the hospital reprocess hundreds of N95 and N95-type masks to keep front line healthcare workers and first resp...
¯ Familiarizing the committee with the state safety requirements for a 911 building; and, ¯ Determining the type of building that is required, and where it could be established. The 911 operation will be a county department but Ohio Revised Code specifies the mayor of each city (Marietta...