The results come as Arroyo faces mounting pressure to step down, following allegations of cheating in the 2004 presidential election. Margin of error表示“误差幅度”,margin在此表示“差数,差额尺度”,如:a margin of 500 votes(五百张选票的差额)。和margin相关的词组还有很多,如:by a comfortable margin...
In comparison, thereal results from the electionwere: Obama 51%, Romney 47%. So this result was outside the range of the Gallup poll’s margin of error (2 percent). In addition to statistics being wrong, polls can be wrong as well. Back to Top How to Calculate Margin of Error As a...
My only problem with the way they ended the plotline was the election announcement itself, as it was decently anti calamitic which was a bit of a let down due to the suspense and hype it built up, but it was still decent. The content after the election results opened up great new ...
The article focuses on the results of public opinion polls on presidential hopefuls who will get nomination from their respective parties for the 2008 election in the U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York received 41% votes agai...
Related to margin of error:confidence interval,standard error ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. margin of error- the margin required in order to insure safety; "in engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress"...
quit.ThepollwastakenJuly2-5,andhadamarginoferrorof4.1percent.TNSisaLondon-basedinternationalpollingcompany. TheresultscomeasArroyofacesmountingpressuretostepdown,followingallegationsofcheatinginthe2004presidentialelection. Marginoferror表示“误差幅度”,margin在此表示“差数,差额尺度”,如:amarginof500votes(五百...
刷刷题APP(是专业的大学生刷题搜题拍题答疑工具,刷刷题提供This is a (an) issue that had no bearing on the election results. (margin)的答案解析,刷刷题为用户提供专业的考试题库练习。一分钟将考试题Word文档/Excel文档/PDF文档转化为在线题库,制作
You can't say for sure on the basis of a single poll with a two-point gap.If you want to get a more accurate picture of who's going to win the election, you need to look at more polls. Just as asking more people in one poll helps reduce your margin of error, looking at ...
3. There is no margin for error in our plan. 我们的计划中不留有误差幅度。 4. He made some notes in the margin. 他在页边空白处做笔记。 margin 网络解释 1. 利润:使游客可以比正常行情低上千元的价位进驻五星级饭店,为顾客创造了最高的附加价值.价值链则是消费者心目中的价值基础,是透过一连串的...
What has not been systematically analyzed is whether the stories that report margin of error use this information correctly to interpret and present poll results. This study examines poll reporting on the network evening news during the 2000 presidential general election. Of the seventy-eight stories...