【英语中字】Marco Pierre White:我使用家乐产品超过30年 5.5万 97 03:02 App 【白叔探店】现代烹饪教父Marco Pierre White盛赞英国川菜馆 #YYY字译组# 14.6万 389 05:33 App 【中英双字】发飙的白叔与沉默的狗蛋 17.3万 243 03:49 App 【万恶之源】白叔Marco:我没有弄哭Gordon Ramsay,是他自己要哭的...
Select RestaurantAbu Dhabi | Steakhouse, Bar & GrillAbu Dhabi | New York Italian Marco Pierre White Restaurants Marco Pierre White is an acclaimed chef, restaurateur and TV personality. He has restaurants across the UK and Abu Dhabi under different brands. ...
【中英双字】Marco Pierre White炖烤鸡肉锅(Roast Chicken Casserole) 1.3万 108 04:19 App 【San骑'S双字】Marco Pierre White羊肉浓汤煲-Lamb Stockpot 1.2万 35 07:21 App 【中字】Marco Pierre White猪网油包羊排牛脑鸡肉慕斯-Noisettes of Lamb en Crépinette 1.0万 33 03:13 App 【中英双字】Mar...
英国名厨Marco Pierre White白叔的餐厅The English House,非常低调和隐蔽,门口种满了绿植不经意路过还以为是私人住宅庭院,这间华人的老店里面装满了白叔从英国运来的收藏,随便一间都是上百年历史的古董O榴莲女王大人。总共有三个区域,酒吧,主餐区,还有包厢。餐厅里还有摄影界泰斗级人物英国摄影师Terry O’Neill的...
英式鱼派 Fish Pie(Marco Pierre White)Fish Pie是一道非常传统的英国菜。几乎每位英国的主妇都会做...
The Rudloe Marco Pierre White has comfortable lounges, a bar, and a large restaurant with views of the gardens. Food is made from local ingredients, and is cooked to order by the chef. Extensive free parking is available on site. The Rudloe Marco Pierre White is located just off the A4...
MarcoPierreWhite勃艮第红酒炖牛肉(家庭简易版本 附上原版对比 超详细)的做法 准备好材料,我用的是牛腩块儿,所以要预留两个小时烹饪。 1.牛腩冷水下锅焯水,水开后捞出静置。 2.静置的时候,可以把胡萝卜、洋葱、蘑菇切块儿,切好就刚好能处理牛腩。 3.热锅下油,放牛腩中火慢煎。(这儿我放了黄糖,给牛腩上糖色...
Food: The Best of British; Food with Marco Pierre White: Marco Serves Up Two More Classic Dishes from the Menu of His London Restaurant, the Big Chef
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最年轻米其林三星厨师,曾把戈登骂哭的男人Marco Pierre White #米其林餐厅 #米其林 #厨艺 - MapleStory于20231007发布在抖音,已经收获了393个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!