Magnetic field topologies between the Sun and Earth are important for the connectivity to Earth of solar suprathermal particles, e.g., solar energetic particles and the electrons in type III solar radio bursts. An approach is developed for mapping large-scale magnetic field lines in the solar ...
Heretofore, no method employing magnetostrictive interferometric devices to provide high precision mapping of magnetic field lines has been disclosed. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Using an interferometer which includes an optical fiber clad with a magnetostrictive material (i.e., a sensor optical fiber), ...
Understand what a magnetic field is. Learn the definition of magnetic field lines and understand how one can detect magnetic field lines using a compass. Related to this Question What is a magnetic field? What is a radial magnetic field?
Magneto-optical micromechanical systems for magnetic field mappingA new method for magnetic field mapping based on the optical response of organized dense arrays of flexible magnetic cantilevers is explored. When subjected to the stray field of a magnetized material, the mobile parts of the cantilever...
To improve our understanding of the indoor properties of the perturbed Earth's magnetic field, we have developed a methodology to obtain dense and spatially referenced samples of the magnetic vector field on the ground's surface and in the free space above. This methodology draws on the use of...
The assimilative mapping of ionospheric electrodynamics (AMIE)-derived ionospheric field-aligned current patterns during the ninth Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop substorm event have been mapped to the magnetospheric equatorial plane, using the data-based magnetospheric magnetic field model [Tsyganenko,...
The folds express themselves in extensive dip-slope topography and exhibit a strong correlation between synclines and surface valleys. Cross-cutting relationships indicate that the passages of Jewel Cave postdate nearly all folding and faulting events. Table 1. Description of stratigraphy near Jewel ...
Measurement of the electric field is usually performed with electric lines, grounded or not, with lengths of at least 5 m. This paper presents the concept of a VLF resistivity meter with a very short electric sensor (1 m) and the results obtained with it. This technique improves the ...
Furthermore, the implementation of perceptual encoding models enabled us to predict olfactory functional magnetic resonance imaging responses to new odors, revealing that the dimensionality of the encoded perceptual spaces increases from the PirC to the OFC. Whereas encoding of lower-order dimensions ...
Molecular marker-based chromosome maps are constructed, using an array of deletion lines in wheat. The conventional genetic linkage maps are aligned with chromosome maps to construct cytogenetic ladder maps (CLMs). The CLMs allow region-specific mapping and convert genetic distances into physical ...