yarn add vue-maplibre-gl maplibre-gl mitt Default import Global Install: importVueMaplibreGlfrom'vue-maplibre-gl'app.use(VueMaplibreGl) Add CSS: @use"~maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css";@use"~vue-maplibre-gl/dist/vue-maplibre-gl.css";@use"~vue-maplibre-gl/dist/vue-maplibre-gl-draw.css...
Step-by-step tutorial This is my map App
Vue.js CLI npm install -g @vue/cli (back to top) Create an app Clone the repo to create a new Vue.js project. Run in your command-line: git clone https://github.com/maptiler/vue-template-maplibre-gl-js.git my-vue-map Navigate to the newly created project folder my-vue-map ...
Vue2 NextGIS Web map component for Maplibre GL JS. Latest version: 2.2.1, last published: 5 months ago. Start using @nextgis/vue2-ngw-maplibre-gl in your project by running `npm i @nextgis/vue2-ngw-maplibre-gl`. There are no other projects in the npm reg
Entrez un divélément avec un ou id map pour appliquer les dimensions de la carte à la vue cartographique. Les dimensions sont héritées de la fenêtre d'affichage. body { margin: 0; } #map { height: 100vh; /* 100% of viewport height */ } <!-- map container --> ...
https://api.stadiamaps.com/tz/lookup/v1?lat=59.43696&lng=24.75357&api_key=YOUR-API-KEY You can also use anAuthorizationHTTP header instead of a query string as shown below. Don't forget theStadia-Authprefix! Example Authorization header with an API key placeholder ...
Vue CLI。你需要安装 Vue CLI。要安装 Vue CLI,请打开终端窗口并运行以下命令: npm install -g @vue/cli 砰砰�� 复制 创建应用 在此步骤中,我们将学习如何创建 Vue.js 应用程序。 要创建一个新的 Vue.js 项目,请在命令行中运行: vue create my-vue-map ...
{"name":"maplibregljs-vue-starter","version":"1.0.0","private":true,"scripts":{"dev":"vite","build":"run-p type-check\"build-only {@}\"--","preview":"vite preview","test:unit":"vitest","test:e2e":"start-server-and-test preview http://localhost:4173 'cypress run --e2e'...
If you use mapbox-gl via bindings (react, vue, etc), you may need to wait a little longer as we develop an easy migration path for each binding. Contributions welcome! Roadmap This project's initial plans are outlined in the Roadmap project. The primary goal is consistency and backwards...
Provide a [VueJS](https://vuejs.org/) integration. [View on GitHub](https://github.com/razorness/vue-maplibre-gl) ### elm-mapbox Provides an [Elm](https://elm-lang.org) integration. [View on GitHub](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/gampleman/elm-mapbox/latest/) ### ember...