<script setup lang="ts"> import mapboxgl from "mapbox-gl"; import type { Map as MapboxMap } from "mapbox-gl"; import { ref, onUnmounted, watch } from "vue"; importfrom "@/length"; import {} from "@turf/helpers"; const props = defineProps<{ map: MapboxMap | null; }>();...
选用框架:Vue3+Vite+Mapboxgl 在工程中引入mapboxgl 使用了好心人给的 mapboxgl.js 和 mapboxgl.css,放在 public/mapboxgl 目录下,在 index.html 中引入,mapboxgl可作为全局变量使用: <!DOCTYPEhtml><htmllang="en"><link><metacharset="UTF-8"/><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, ini...
mapboxgl.accessToken='pk.eyJ1IjoicGxheS1pc2FhYyIsImEiOiJjazU0cDkzbWowamd2M2dtemd4bW9mbzRhIn0.cxD4Fw3ZPB_taMkyUSFENA';varmap =newmapboxgl.Map({container:'map',// container id 绑定的组件的idstyle:'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11',//地图样式,可以使用官网预定义的样式,也可以自...
同时,它提供了一个基于 WebGL 的开源地图引擎:mapbox-gl。 mapbox-gl npmjs: www.npmjs.com/package/map… mapbox-gl github:github.com/mapbox/mapb… 通过mapbox-gl,你可以像...
import { createApp } from 'vue' import './style.css' import App from './App.vue' import 'vue3-mapbox-gl/dist/style.css' import mapbox from 'vue3-mapbox-gl' const app = createApp(App) app.use(mapbox, { accessToken: 'pk.xxxxxxxxxxxxx' }) app.mount('#app')...
Use Mapbox GL JS in a Vue app 34 mins remaining1. Introduction2. Getting started3. Set up the Vue app structure4. Set up the Vue app5. Edit the template6. Add CSS7. Add Mapbox GL JS8. Add a user interface9. Update center and zoom information10. Optional: Add a reset button11...
mapbox-gl-js version: 2.14.0 Question Hi, everyone! I'm trying to set up and use mapbox-gl-js with Vue3. Here is the most minimalistic reproducible example: https://github.com/vladimir-chernykh/vue3-vite-mapbox-gl-js. It contains just on...
mapboxGL中山体背景+边界阴影的一种实现方案 很多地图可视化的项目中有要求实现如下的效果,本文借助QGIS、PS和turf.js,在mapboxGL中实现山体背景+边界阴影的效果。 实现效果 实现 1. 需要数据 要实现这样的效果,我们需要如下数据: 山体背景图 地级市数据
Projects setup withVue CLI 3: vue.config.js constwebpack=require('webpack')module.exports={configureWebpack:{plugins:[newwebpack.ProvidePlugin({mapboxgl:'mapbox-gl',}),],},} Setup In the file you will be including the component:
Mapbox GL JS v3 also introduces a new set of style properties: 引入新的表达式和样式属性来增强样式,新的样式属性包括: background: background-emissive-strength circle: circle-emissive-strength fill: fill-emissive-strength fill-extrusion: fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-ground-attenuation fill-...