Thus Pizigano's map of 1367 extends as far east as the Gulf of Persia, whilst the Medicean map of 1356 (at Florence) is remarkable on account of a fairly correct delineation of the Caspian, the Shari river in Africa, and the correct direction given to the west coast of India, which ...
Jerusalem Where to Stay in Hama Where to Stay in Saratov Where to Stay in Asmara Where to Stay in Homs Where to Stay in Krasnodar Where to Stay in Bangui Where to Stay in Lviv Where to Stay in Mosul Where to Stay in Khartoum Where to Stay in Krivoy-Rog Where to Stay in Benghazi ...
A big number of crusaders were able to march to Jerusalem. Byzantine EmperorAlexios I Komnenostook advantage of the situation and took Eastern Anatolia back from the Seljuk Empire. However, the 2nd and 3rd crusades were unsuccessful. Saladin and the Islamic rulers neutralized the Crusaders and too...
Antique Map of Overijssel and Drenthe by Von Reilly, c.1795 Antique German Map of India and Sri Lanka or Ceylon, 1902 Two Impressive Huge Midcentury World Map Wall Globes, 95" Diameter, 1950s Panoramic Antique View of Bandar-Abbas 'Formerly Gamron, Persia' in Iran, 1714 ...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: Abstract This paper is a first presentation of a Chinese Map of the World or Kunyutu 坤輿圖 discovered in a Federal library in Berne in 2017. It focusses on the rendering of the 7000 characters contained within the map. The translation of the...
The Blachernae was the church most dear to the Constantinopolitans; its fame spread from Crete to Cherson in the Crimea, where other churches were named “Blachernae” in its honor. Pulcheria's sister-in-law, Eudocia brought the first icon "painted by Saint Luke" from Jerusalem to Const...
The Old City of Jerusalem is a walled quadrilateral about 3,000 feet (900 meters) long on each side. It is both ancient and diverse, with an Armenian quarter, a Christian quarter, a Muslim quarter, and a Jewish quarter.
Moreover, he needed the wealth of Persia if he was to maintain the army built by Philip and pay off the 500 talents he owed. The exploits of the Ten Thousand, Greek soldiers of fortune, and of Agesilaus of Sparta, in successfully campaigning in Persian territory had revealed the ...
During the Classical period, Rhodian affiliations vacillated betweenAthens,Sparta, and Persia, in attempts to preserve abalance of power. Rhodes supported Rome during its war withPhilip Vof Macedonia, and its fleet participated in Rome’s war againstAntiochus the GreatofSyria. Roman competition in ...
The lyric poetry of Greece owed much to the 7th-century Lésbos-born musician Terpander and the dithyrambist Arion as well as Alcaeus and Sappho. After a protracted struggle with Athens for Sigeum on the Hellespont (Dardanelles) and a naval defeat, Lésbos in 527 submitted to Persia, ...