6. The Persian Gulf, was situated south of Elam and Persia.The Mountain Ranges (5 Great Mountain Ranges)There were five great mountain ranges in the Old Testament World.1. The Ararat Mountains were in Armenia, extending from the Caspian Sea to Asia Minor. This range formed the center from...
Since 1872, it has served in part as a museum and as the city town hall. This impressive palace packs a wealth of artifacts and art works that include beautiful frescoes, sculptures, painted ceilings, intricate carvings and tapestries that all depict historic and Biblical events. 4. Piazza del...
The vital organ of hearing, while used in the... Education in Biblical Times EDUCATION IN BIBLICAL TIMES. The word for education (חִינּוּך) in modern Heb. is derived from... Land of Egypt EGYPT, LAND OF e’ jĭpt (H...
25. Ardistan – east of Persia on the Indian Ocean, largely unvisited due to its almost uninhabited desert coasts (the interior is rather more fertile) until the British punched the place open to international trade in the 1860s. Used to rule over Tschobanistan and Ussulistan and there ...
during the second half of that century, the cities became Egyptian vassals. With the conquests of the Babylonian kingNebuchadrezzar II(605–562) in Syria and Palestine, the Philistine cities became part of theNeo-Babylonian empire. In later times they came under the control of Persia,Greece,...
Citium, principal Phoenician city in Cyprus, situated on the southeast coast near modern Larnaca. The earliest remains at Citium are those of an Aegean colony of the Mycenaean Age (c. 1400–1100 bce). The biblical name Kittim, representing Citium, was al
The Biblical doctrine of... Hebrew Poetry HEBREW POETRY. That the Semites in general were people of some musical ability, and that the... Helps HELPS (ἀντίλημψις, G516. This word comes from the verb ἀντ...
To the east, Edessa soon became the centre of Syriac Christianity, which spread to Mesopotamia, the borders of Persia, and possibly India. Armenia adopted Christianity at the beginning of the 4th century, by which time there may have been a Christian majority, or near it, in some cities of...
It is difficult to assign exact dates to many of the... Church Government in the Apostolic Age CHURCH GOVERNMENT IN THE APOSTOLIC AGE. This article is restricted to the Biblical teachings... Church CHURCH, THE (ἐκκλησία, G1711). ...
1:1. The first year of Cyrus king of Persia: Cyrus conquered Babylon on October 12, 539 b.c... Personality Profiles: Cyrus the Great 1:1 Cyrus the Great was the powerful king of Persia (559–529 b.c.) who released the Jewish... Ezra ...