6. The Persian Gulf, was situated south of Elam and Persia.The Mountain Ranges (5 Great Mountain Ranges)There were five great mountain ranges in the Old Testament World.1. The Ararat Mountains were in Armenia, extending from the Caspian Sea to Asia Minor. This range formed the center from...
Persia PERSIA (Old Pers. pārsa, Elamite, parsin, Akkad. parsua, Heb. פָּרַס, H10594; late Egyp... First Epistle of Peter PETER, FIRST EPISTLE. 1. Authorship. The author of the document in the NT designated 1 Peter is... S...
The Old Testament. 1. Five Heb. words tr. “frame” in the RSV refer to parts of the... Glory GLORY Outline 1. Terminology a. Old Testament. Several words such as the Heb. אַדֶּ֫רֶת, H168, ... Good, ...
The Middle East has a rich and complex history that spans thousands of years. It is home to some of the oldest civilizations in the world, includingMesopotamia(modern-day Iraq),Persia(modern-day Iran), andEgypt. Throughout history, the Middle East has been marked by numerous power changes, ...
25. Ardistan – east of Persia on the Indian Ocean, largely unvisited due to its almost uninhabited desert coasts (the interior is rather more fertile) until the British punched the place open to international trade in the 1860s. Used to rule over Tschobanistan and Ussulistan and there ...
One will be entertained by tales of when Berlin used to belong to the kingdom of Persia and then to the German empire and how the city became divided after the Second World War. Very few cities in the world have had such a great role in the international field of political and social-...
Tigris truly become twin rivers, therāfidānof the Arabs, which have constantly changed their courses over the millennia. The low-lying plain of theKārūn RiverinPersiahas always been closely related to Mesopotamia, but it is not considered part of Mesopotamia as it forms its own river system...
Sidon, one of the oldest Phoenician cities, was founded in the 3rd millenniumbceand became prosperous in the 2nd. It is frequently mentioned in the works of the Greek poetHomerand in the Old Testament; and it was ruled in turn byAssyria, Babylonia, Persia,Alexander the Great, the Seleucid...
CALF, GOLDEN (עֵ֣גֶל מַסֵּכָ֑ה, molten calf) made by Aaron in Exodus 32 and referred to in ... Canon of the Old Testament CANON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The acceptance and collection of the inspired books ...
Used by the Syrians . . . 2 Kin. 18:26 The language of the postexilic... Ariel Ariel—lion of God 1. Ezra’s friend . . . Ezra 8:15–17 2. Name applied to Jerusalem . . . Is. 29:1,... Artaxerxes Artaxerxes—great king Artaxerxes I, king ...