The samples are almost fully textured, with the (100) crystal planes oriented parallel to their surface. This is an unexpected result considering the rounded shape of the crystallites, which would suggest a more random orientation. XRD patterns obtained from two films deposited on glass using two...
This high value is ascribed to the contribution of both EDL capacitance from basal planes of individual LRGONR and the pseudocapacitance from associated surface groups at edge planes [68]. Heteroatom doping is an effective way to manipulate the electronic states of graphene-based materials and it ...
The reason why the reinforcements in the side planes are above the base metal is attributed to Metals 2019, 9, 146 8 of 10 3.2.1. W-Shaped Reinforcement With the increase of the average current, the heat input and the driving forces consequently increase. The more heat inputted means more...