A companion tool for when you travel into the planes. map dnd tabletop battlemap Updated Oct 13, 2024 TypeScript hejianxian / vddl Star 394 Code Issues Pull requests 🦄 Vue components for modifying lists with the HTML5 drag & drop API. dnd vue drag-and-drop vue-components vue-...
位面(PLANES)是用来解释多元宇宙的存在,每个位面都有各自的位面特性,存在的诸位面是多种不同世界的集合,这些世界之间有着错综复杂的联系。除很少几个连接点以外,每个位面事实上都是一个独立的宇宙,有着它自己的自然法则。 “每个位面都被密封在自己气泡似的晶壁系中,而这些晶壁系则悬浮在一种被称为元素的琥珀色...
The major focus on planes already has fans speculating that a 5e version of Planescape could be up next for Dungeons and Dragons – particularly as Planescape staples like Sigil and the Outlands are mentioned in the playtest material, and Wizards of the Coast has already entered classic D&D terr...
Pirates also excel at keeping up with said enemies via heightened speed on ships and using bonus actions to negate enemies’ disengage actions Pirate Details:https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Pirate_(5e_Class) 5. Witch Black cats are optional. [Art by Jordan Jardine] Much like the shaman, but...
pan.baidu.com/s/1ku7vmhm6yNIMU3pDrmsrOA提取码:96l9 里面有独立的汉化文件,h3bitmap.lod是已经打包好的,替换即可,替换之前做好备份。 部分汉化内容预览: +1 分享647 dnd吧 谁会拒绝小布丁呢 萌新dm求助,线下团该准备些什么道具?该怎么准备?用的5e规则,本人跑过几次网团想拉小伙伴入坑,所以挑战一...
Join up with previous “Campaign of the Year” winner, Dungeon_Master_Loki, and let him guide you through transitive planes, observing the “Rule of Three” and the “Unity of Rings, as part of The Planewalker’s Guild, in a pay-to-play campaign that has been in existence for a year...
A library with copies of even a quarter of the material plane's extant books would be famous across the planes, and almost certainly wouldn't allow random elves to wander in and spend a century or two perusing the stacks. TLDR: Knowing lore, especially about old stuff, is ...
出售一些4E与wod规则书,也接受用5E规则书交换 伊玛兰 4E包括phb1、2、3,MM1、2、3,dmg1 武术力量(MP)1、2,奥术力量(AP),神术力量(DP),原初力量(PP),灵能力量(PSP) 位面手册(manual of the planes),恶魔志(demonomicon),艾伯伦玩家指南,艾伯伦战役设定,冒险者宝库(AV)2 wod包括promethean和狼人的书 此...
ZEITGEIST Player's Guide (Part Five: Crysillyir, Danor, Drakr, Elfaivar; & Planes & Religion). This supplement is the fifth and final part of the ZEITGEIST Player's Guide for 5E. In these pages you will find setting and background information on the ZEITGEIST campaign setting, and the...
The worlds of the Dungeons & Dragons game exist within a vast cosmos called the multiverse, connected in strange and mysterious ways to one another and to other planes of existence, such as the Elemental Plane of Fire and the Infinite Depths of the Abyss. Within this multiverse are an endles...