Explore map of South Sudan, South Sudan map, cities map of South Sudan, satellite images of South Sudan, South Sudan largest cities maps, political map of South Sudan, driving directions, country atlas and traffic map.Content Detail South Sudan's Largest Cities Map Capital : Juba Population...
South Sudanbecame an independent country in 2011 after a long civil war with the government of Sudan. The country is located to the south of Sudan and is bordered by Sudan to the north,Ethiopiato the east, Kenya to the southeast,Ugandato the south, theDemocratic Republic of the Congoto th...
南苏丹简介:南苏丹共和国(The Republic of South Sudan)国土面积62万平方公里,人口826万(2011年),其中尼格罗人占全国人口的30%左右,主要部族有丁卡人、努埃尔人、希卢克人等,居民大多信奉基督教与拜物教,官方语言为英语,通用阿拉伯语,首都朱巴(Juba)是一座人口约40万的城市。 南苏丹是一个位于非洲东北部的内陆国,...
Port Sudan, Sinkat, Tokar, Abu Hamad, Berber, Ad Damer, Atbara, Shendi, Al Matammah, Sennar, Singa, Ad Dinder, Kas, Edd al Fursan, Nyala, Shearia, Al Deain, Adayala, Buram, Tulus, Rehed al Birdi, Dilling, Rashad, Abu Jubaiyah, Talodi, Kadugli, Lagawa, As Salam, Abyei, Kul...
South Sudan Cities: Aweil, Bentiu, Boma, Bor, Juba, Kapoeta, Kodok, Kuacjok, Malakal, Maridi, Mongalla, Raga, Rumbek, Tonj, Torit, Wau, and Yambio. Sudan Locations: Al Abyad Lake, Blue Nile, Dungunab Bay, El Bahr el Abyad (White Nile), Lake Kundi, Lake Nasser, Libyan Desert,...
Central Africa South Sudan Equatoria Central EquatoriaJubaJuba is the largest city and capital of South Sudan. Juba is on banks of the White Nile River. In 2017, it had a population of 525,000 people. The city has been growing quickly since it was named capital of South Sudan in 2005....
In 2011, South Sudan gained independence from the Republic of Sudan. Overall, this makes it one of the most recent sovereign states or countries.Jubais the capital and largest city of South Sudan. Other major cities are Malakal, Yei, and Wau. ...
The White Nile (called the Bahr al Jabal in South Sudan) flows north through the country from Uganda to Sudan. The climate is hot with seasonal rainfall influenced by the annual shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. The Facts:Capital: Juba. Area: 239,285 sq mi (619,745 sq km)...
South Sudan - Juba - Cholera outbreak / response mapBari, NorthernTown, JubaSaba, MiyaNabari, Juba