Machar, fearing for his life, fled Juba and sought refuge in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, and then in Sudan where he was receiving ‘emergency medical treatment’ in Khartoum. 害怕於衝突中喪命的Machar再度逃離朱巴,並向鄰近的剛果共和國尋求庇護。 而後,他在北蘇丹的喀土木(Khartoum,北...
As we speak there is no solution on the security arrangements. Those who have followed our process would know that the collapse of the security arrangements is what destroyed the 2015 Agreement. This should not be taken lightly. During the chaos that gripped Juba after fighting erupted in July ...
Having come from living in my self-sufficient Happy-Simply tiny house in South Australia to this situation could have made me go a bit crazy and anxious, especially at the barrel of crude oil I’m consuming in plastic food trays but what I like about this experience, and is important to ...