Extracting Spectrograms for Vocoder training. Contributing a new pre-trained 🐸 TTS model. Explanation for Model config parameters/ v0.2.0 Milestones Grapheme 2 Phoneme in-house conversion. (Thx to gruut 👍 ) Implement VITS model. v0.3.0 Milestones Implement generic ForwardTTS API. Implement ...
In order to construct a feature map-based phoneme classification system for speech recognition, two procedures are usually required. One is clustering and the other is labeling. In this paper, we present a phoneme classification system based on the Kohonen's Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM) for...
50 天,阴道少量流血伴右下腹隐痛 5 天。今晨 起床时突然右下腹撕裂样疼痛。查体:血压 90/60mmHg,面色苍白,右下腹压 痛明显,叩诊腹部移动性浊音阳性。妇科检查:子宫稍大稍软,有漂浮感,右附件 区触及压痛性包块,边界不清,阴道后穹隆饱满,有触痛。血常规提示:血红蛋白 96g/L。该患者最可能的诊断...