Elegant Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence: A Periodic Chart and Singularity Generalization Unify Decoding.The accompanying article introduces highly transparent grapheme-phoneme relationships embodied within a Periodic table of decoding cells, which arguably presents the quintessential transparent decoding elements. ...
The mapping between the phonemes and the values of the broad-phonetic-class could be obtained from a International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) chart. IDIAP–RR 03-52 5 Table 2: Performance of phoneme-only and grapheme-only system by marginalizing (hide) grapheme and phoneme, respectively, at the...
So, by collapsing the phonemes into a broad-phonetic-class (many-to-one mapping) we could train a grapheme-broad-phonetic-class system which models the relation between the grapheme and the values of the broad-phonetic-class. The mapping between the phonemes and the values of the broad-...
PhonemesThe accompanying article introduces highly transparent grapheme-phoneme relationships embodied within a Periodic table of decoding cells, which arguably presents the quintessential transparent...doi:10.1007/s11881-017-0150-xGatesLouisSpringer USAnnals of Dyslexia...