doi:10.1016/j.vjgien.2013.01.001EndoscopyEndoscopicvideoVideoeditingVideojournalGastroenterologyVideoShou-jiangTangFriedrichHagenmüllerPrateekSharmaHironoriYamamotoJürgenPohlingentaconnectVideo Journal & Encyclopedia of Gi Endoscopy
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Understanding Editing: Service Definitions and Tips for Working with Book Editors Book editingisn’t a single process. At a large commercial publisher, a single manuscript will go through at least three editorial stages, and maybe more. You almost certainly don’t need that level of input, but...
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I can think of at least two reasons for editors and graphic designers to prefer this format, regardless of how the paragraphs will end up in the printed book. First, a first-line indent shows without doubt where each new paragraph begins, no matter where the page breaks fall. Second, book...
address in an email sent by the journal. If the address is hyperlinked, select the link within the email, or copy and paste into the browser. The journal’s Log In page is displayed. Access to the journal site may be provided in two ways: ...
Friedrich HagenmüllerPrateek SharmaHironori YamamotoJürgen PohlElsevierVideo Journal and Encyclopedia of GI EndoscopyTang SJ, Hagenmuller F, Yamamoto H, Sharma P, Pohl J. Creating video manuscripts for the Video Journal & Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy: tips and com- ments from the editors [...