Professional Copy Editing Services Professional Peer Reviewed Journal Article Editing and Proofreading Services Our team of expert English editors, top-journal peer reviewers, and PhD subject specialists pour their expertise into perfecting your manuscript, so that you can focus on getting it published....
General Guidelines for Authors for Submission of Manuscripts that Contain Identifications and Syntheses of Compounds This Journal recently published a paper1 which, unknown to the editors — there was no author declaration of any previous related publication — presented ... Amélie,Ducret,Michael,.....
Snail mail is still the way to go unless you are told otherwise. Random House has a lot of offices and a lot of editors. If you’re in the United States, send your query or manuscript to the editor in care of Random House, Inc., 1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. If you’re ...
This document draw heavily from guidelines prepared by previous editors of this journal,Charles Gelso,Clara Hill,and Jo-Ida Hansen,as well as guidelines p..
Articles for publication are carefully chosen by the editors, who solicit the comments of at least two referees. Articles are judged on their quality and depth of research, originality, significance of the subject matter, and appropriateness for this Journal. ...
It bears repeating that manuscripts whose English expression is clumsy, ambiguous or grammatically flawed will not be sent to peer-review as the text discussion cannot be understood. The editors have no wish to waste the reviewers’ time by sending them poorly worded manuscripts. In particular, au...
请求翻译:一个SCI杂志社的读者指南1Authors are encouraged to use these instructions as a checklist. This checklist is not exhaustive. Authors should consult one of the scientific series editors on issues not covered in these guidelines. All manuscript
A ll art ic les un derg o initial rev iew by our editors and then are eith er sen t out fo r peer-rev iew or language editing if they are deemed acceptable.F ollow ing p eer-review, the corresponding au th or is inv ited to return the revision ...
Invites all literacy communities-affiliates, assemblies, TWAL groups, writing projects, school teams to submit proposals for an issue on a topic of importance to the group by the editors of Primary Voices K-6. Community responsibilities; How to obtain a copy of the Proposal Submission Guidelines ...
To that end, the editors place strong emphasis on the literary quality of the Journal's contents. We aim for simple sentences and a minimal number of syllables per word. We agree with Polonius that brevity is the soul of wit. Therefore, we accept manuscripts that exceed twenty double-spaced...