OBS Manuscript sent to Journal. Not for citations, yet Abstract INTRODUCING OPPORTUNITY COST PRINCIPLES TO THE APPLICATION OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA) FOR DECISION MAKING IN AGRICULTURE. BeliefGoalIntentionPlanEventAgriculturalProductionManagementLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) is increasingly used as the ...
About author information in a manuscript submitted to a journal, which of the following statements is wrong?A.Make sure that your author information appears only in the title page.B.Ensure that your identity cannot be revealed by any information in the main text, which is to be sent to ...
About author information in a manuscript submitted to a journal, which of the following statements is wrong?? Make sure that your author information appears only in the title page.Ensure that your identity cannot be revealed by any information in the main text, which is to be sent to peer ...
If my manuscript has been transferred before peer review, should I modify it? Will my manuscript be sent for further peer review at the recipient journal? Will new peer reviewers be chosen? What should I do if my transfer link has expired?Author...
has completed the necessary technical checks and is currently being sent out for assignment to an ...
(11) Revision Submitted to Journal又开始一个循环 (12)Accepted接受/录用 (13) Rejected拒稿 (14)Transfer copyright form签版权协议 (15)uncorrected proof 等待你校对样稿 (16)online在线发表 (17)Manuscript Sent to Production 排版 (18)In Press, Corrected Proof 文章在印刷中,且该清样已经过作者校对 ...
I have emailed the journal many times in the last two months regarding the status of my manuscript. However, I have not received any reply. So, I sent a withdrawal request of my submission one week ago, also I didn't get any reply. What should I ...
文章已经Submitted to Journal了,但是发现manuscript中没有插入页码。请问怎么办?
B. Ensure that your identity cannot be revealed by any information in the main text, which is to be sent to peer reviewers. C. Make sure that peer reviewers can identify who you are. D.Ensure that your affiliation cannot be revealed by any information in the main text. ...
Moreover, when I click “Send E-mail” in the “Action Links” section on the website, this message appears: “This letter should not be used at this time. This submission is not in a status that would allow this letter to be sent to...