"Manuscript Submitted to Journal"是指您的论文已经成功提交给SCI期刊,但还未进行初步的审查或分派给编辑的状态。在这个阶段,您的论文已经进入期刊的投稿系统,并等待期刊完成初步的检查和处理。通常,这个状态将持续一段时间,直到您的论文被分派给一位编辑,进入到"with editor"状态。在"Manuscript Submitted to Journal...
一周了,状态还是Manuscript Submitted to Journal.投稿时我没有指定学术编辑,因为不知道该怎么选,不熟悉.但是给出了3个推荐的reviewer.现在状态还是Manuscript Submitted to Journal 的原因是mei(没)推荐学术编辑吗?需不需要催一下呢?应该怎么办啊,能否指点下ben(本)人,...
(9)Minor revision/Major revision小修/大修 (10)Revision Submitted返修 (11) Revision Submitted to Journal又开始一个循环 (12)Accepted接受/录用 (13) Rejected拒稿 (14)Transfer copyright form签版权协议 (15)uncorrected proof 等待你校对样稿 (16)online在线发表 (17)Manuscript Sent to Production 排版 (18...
一周了,状态还是Manuscript Submitted to Journal.投稿时我没有指定学术编辑,因为不知道该怎么选,不熟悉.但是给出了3个推荐的reviewer.现在状态还是Manuscript Submitted to Journal 的原因是mei(没)推荐学术编辑吗?需不需要催一下呢?应该怎么办啊,能否指点下ben(本)人, ...
投了一篇PLOS one已经三周了,还是manuscript submitted to journal. 我还没催的情况下编辑给了我发了一邮件,内容如下 Further to our recent correspondence your Further to our recent correspondence your manuscript is still with the in-house editor. As soon as we have an update we will be in touch....
Manuscript submitted to Journal of Pediatrics (revised)Maternal seafood diet, methylmercury exposure,and neonatal neurological functionUlrike SteuerwaObjective: To determine whether neonatal neurological function is adversely affected by seafood contaminants from maternal diet during pregnancy.Steuerwald et al...
最近投出去一片PLos one,一个月了,状态还是Manuscript Submitted to Journal,这样正常吗?投出去一周...
About author information in a manuscript submitted to a journal, which of the following statements is wrong?? Make sure that your author information appears only in the title page.Ensure that your identity cannot be revealed by any information in the main text, which is to be sent to peer ...
[translate] aConfirm that the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, posted on a web site, or submitted elsewhere. 正在翻译,请等待...[translate]
aConfirm that the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, posted on a web site, or submitted elsewhere. 证实原稿在网站单一地递交了给这本学报和没有在新闻中被出版,被张贴或者在别处没有递交。[translate]...