3Study sites 3.1Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar Sadar-Moheshkhali The study site, Cox’s Bazar Sadar-Moheshkhali, is located in the Cox’s Bazar district of the Chittagong division, Bangladesh. The site lies between 21°23′16″ to 21°46′26″N latitude and 91°50′34″ to 92°07′50″E...
In N-metabolism, the denitrification pathway was predominant in degraded sites, whereas the dissimilatory nitrate reduction pathway was dominant in undisturbed mangroves. The relative ratios of sulphur reducing bacteria (SRB): methanogens were higher in degraded mangrove; however, methanotrophs:methanogens ...
Research overview and trend on biological invasion in mangrove forests CHEN Quan,MA Ke-Ming Chin J Plan Ecolo 2015, 39 (3): 283-299. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0028 Abstract(1799) HTML(440) PDF(412KB)(3695)Knowledge map Save Table and Figures|Reference|Related Articles|Metrics ...
Mangrove wetlands are among the most productive and carbon-dense ecosystems in the world. Their structural attributes vary considerably across spatial scales, yielding large uncertainties in regional and global estimates of carbon stocks. Here, we present a global analysis of mangrove canopy height gradi...
Rhizophora mucronata dominated at all three sites during the study period. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H′=2.261) and Pielou's evenness (J′=0.8348) were high at Minnie Bay. The higher species density cover (5.679Nos./m 2 ) was recorded at Aerial Bay. Bray-Curtis cluster analysis ...
Map showing the mangrove sites we collected plant specimens in China. Different colors indicate sites in different provinces. The abbreviations indicate regions. In some regions, we collected specimens at more than one mangrove site, which are marked on the map but not numbered. GXFC: Fangchenggang...
This paper describes the frequency of ocurrence and biodiversity of fungi from mangroves of the Godavari and Krishna deltas, on the east coast of India. Seventy three species were identified from Godavari and 67 from the Krishna mangroves.Fifty five species were common to both sites, 18 were ...
Y.Zong, inEncyclopedia of Quaternary Science (Second Edition), 2013 Mangrove Mangroveswamps or forests occur in almost the same climate zone as coral, that is, between the 30°N and 30°S parallels (Figure 1). While corals enjoy living in clear water, mangroves prefer coastal sites where th...
Ecological Notes on the Nematode Fauna in and around Mangroves on Lizard Island A study was made of the nematode fauna of two small mangrove swamps and adjacent sandy beaches on Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef (Australia). Species diversity of the different sampling sites was compared and the...