AND WHEREAS the Government of India has introduced ‘LIFE`-`Lifestyle for Environment,’ as a grass-root, mass movement, for protection and conservation of environmental and climate gains, by enhancing environmental actions that propagate a healthy and sustainable way of living based on traditions a...
Fig. 1.Map of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica with the divisions used in this chapter. (see below) Coral communities, reefs and isolated coral colonies can be found on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, which we have divided into seven regions (Fig. 1): 1. Santa Elena, the northern se...
Mangrove swampsor forests occur in almost the same climate zone as coral, that is, between the 30°N and 30°S parallels (Figure 1). While corals enjoy living in clear water,mangrovesprefer coastal sites where there are muddy or fine-grained sediments (Figure 3). Within coastal settings, ...
A New Global Mangrove Height Map with a 12 meter spatial resolution Article Open access 04 January 2025 Storm surge and ponding explain mangrove dieback in southwest Florida following Hurricane Irma Article Open access 28 June 2021 Data availability The data that support the findings of this ...
Background: The presence of brick kiln along the Hoogly river sites of lower Bengal is very usualand this phenomenon is not only restricted to India alone but also to other south Asian countries.The abandoned brick kiln are important habitat for the formation of mangrove community due totidal ...
Figure 1 Location of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve in India (The map was prepared using ArcGIS 10.8.2 software [].) Full size image Methodology The present study makes an attempt to prioritize restoration target areas by using mangrove habitat suitability models, niche over...
Overview Full Map 14 stops Day 1 Arrival in Kolkata Day 2 Kolkata – Sunderban National... Day 3 Sunderban National Park Day 4 Sunderban NP – Kolkata (Drive)About the operator Don’t take it from us – here’s what people have to say about th...
during the wet season in Benoa Bay, Bali, a bay with considerable anthropogenic pressures. The mangroves of this Bay are dominated byRhizophoraandSonneratiaspp and have a characteristic zonation pattern. We used closed chambers to measure GHG at the three mangrove zones within three sites. Emission...
1), within 0.013° S – 0.35° N and 9.3°–9.96° E, comprising approximately 96,302 ha (Ramsar Sites Information Service, 2015). The estuary receives water from the Komo and Ebe Rivers, and drains westerly into the Gulf of Guinea, Atlantic Ocean. The estuary is characterized as ...
Mangrove soils represent a large sink for otherwise rapidly recycled carbon (C). However, widespread deforestation threatens the preservation of this important C stock. It is therefore imperative that global patterns in mangrove soil C stocks and their susceptibility to remineralization are understood. ...