Mangrove forests and coral reefs offer basic protection for humansProf William Reville
Notably, mangroves are extraordinary ecosystems, providing many goods and services to humans particularly fisheries, forest products, pollution abatement and coastal protection against natural calamities. However, the need for mangrove conservation has been recently realized in the Asian countries only after...
They are useful for wood production, the production of food in tropical coastal areas (marine and freshwater fish and shellfish), and shoreline protection. Threats to mangroves include storms and hurricanes, various pests including the burrowing isopod Sphaeroma terebrans, pollution (oil, herbicides,...
“storm barriers” to periodic coastal storm events, such as wind storms, tsunamis, storm surges, and typhoons. The present value of mangroves as habitat in support of fisheries is $987ha−1, and that for storm protection is $10,821ha−1. After adding these two public benefits of ...
‘functionality’ (here used as a synonym for ‘capital’, ‘potential’ or ‘capacity’) of these forests is jeopardised by cryptic ecological degradation, even large forest areas are unlikely to provide specific socio-ecological functions and goods and services, such as coastal protection (...
Mangrove also provides protection and as habitat suitable as breeding and nursery areas for many organisms [5], and provide important regulatory functions. They reduce coastal erosion and flooding, supply and regenerate nutrients and retard run-off [6]. ...
Park has a mangrove forest of 700 hectares, which is the largest such restored area in China. It integrates ecological protection, landscapes and tourism, scientific research, exhibitions, and sci-tech popularization, manifesting an ecological picture of humans and nature, science and the e...
For the restoration and rehabilitation of mangroves, bilateral and regional programs have been considered such as “Environmental protection and management project” and other environmental management capacity building projects are also being developed. ...
In addition, Shenzhen is doing well in joining hands with Hong Kong for ecological protection, with the Hong Kong Mai Po and Futian mangrove communities connected to each other. “They are precisely the same ecosystem. So ...
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