The meaning of MANDARIN is a public official in the Chinese Empire of any of nine superior grades. How to use mandarin in a sentence. Did you know?
她和他的感受相同。She felt just the same as he did. YellowTip is enabled in the first 2 sentences. To enable in the rest, please sign-in. New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search Form Credits🗞...
Same in identity. Chinese synonyms:同样的,相同,相同的,同样 Antonyms:other (名) As a noun The language of nomadic Lapps in northern Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula. Synonyms:Lapp,Saame,Saami,Sami A member of an indigenous nomadic people living in northern Scandinavia and herding reindeer. ...
The title of the movie 僵尸(jiāng shī), as someone familiar with Chinese mythology can already guess, can be translated as Jiangshi or Chinese Vampire. Jiangshi is a type of zombie (“hoping zombie” to be particular) that is very common in Chinese legends and folklore. These type of rea...
Neuroimaging studies indicate that both Chinese and pinyin characters activate the same general cortical areas as each other and as are activated in other languages. However, relative activation in some regions differs for these two forms. It has been suggested that activity in some of these regions...
Learn how to say the Chinese phrase for Same as always with standard Mandarin pronunciation. Free Mandarin phrases with pinyin and literal translation
Mandarin is the official state language of China and the most widely spoken Chinese dialect in the country. ... Mandarin is spoken widely in Singapore and Taiwan.Cantonese, however, is spoken largely in Hong Kong, as well as in Macau and the Guangdong province, including Guangzhou. ...
Chinese is an interesting language, but it is a little hard for some. There are many benefits of learning Chinese in today’s world. And if you are trying to learn how to draw Chinese characters for fun, no problem! We have found a few things to consider that all beginners should know...
It has been said that the process of learning a language is a long journey. It the same as Chinese language study. Learners need to keep going as more and more new words have yet to emerge. (语言学习一个不断更新的过程,汉语也是一样,新词汇层出不穷,学习者自然也要不断的充实自己的词汇库...
Same as computers, you need to have the Chinese option in your system before start typing. Once you have Chinese in the system, you could see the small globe button by the space in the keyboard, then you can switch between languages when typing. To add Chinese (or any other languages),...