一种是Managed Table 内部表,另一种是External Table 外部表。 Managed Table :这种表也被称作Internal Table.这是Hive中的默认的类型。如果你在创建表的时候没有指明Managed或者External,那么默认就会给你创建Managed Table.Managed Table的数据,会存放在HDFS特定的位置中,通常是/user/uduser/hive/warhouse.当然,也...
这种表也被称作Internal Table.这是Hive中的默认的类型.如果你在创建表的时候没有指明Managed或者External,那么默认就会给你创建Managed Table. Managed Table的数据,会存放在HDFS中的特定的位置中,通常是/user/hduser/hive/warehouse.当然,也不一定,看你的Hive的配置文件中是如何配置的. 我们可以使用下面的命令来创建...
86. Hive-11(Managed Table& External Table)【瑞客论坛 www.ruike1.com】是从零开始学Hadoop大数据分析的第87集视频,该合集共计118集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
hive> show tables in mydb; employees 9. hive> use mydb; hive> show tables 'empl.*'; Notice: if you only want to see the schema for a particular column, append the column to the table name,such as 10. hive> describe mydb.employees.name name string Employee name Now the tables we...
HIVE 3.0.0 Presto 0.218 2、Hive create external table t1 ( id bigint, name string ) stored as textfile; create table p1 ( id bigint, name string ) stored as orc; create table p2 ( id bigint, name string ) stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true', 'transactional_properties...
Hive中的表主要分为两种类型:内部表(managed table)和外部表(external table)。 内部表(managed table):Hive完全管理这些表的数据和元数据。当你删除一个内部表时,Hive不仅会删除表的元数据,还会删除存储在HDFS上的数据文件。 外部表(external table):Hive只管理这些表的元数据,而数据文件由HDFS或其他外部存储系统...
It works well and prints all the table managed by Hive. However, in Spark 2.0.0 (SPARK2-2.0.0.cloudera.beta1-1.cdh5.7.0.p0.108015): scala> sys.env("HADOOP_CONF_DIR")res0: String = /opt/cloudera/parcels/SPARK2-2.0.0.cloudera.beta2-1.cdh5.7.0.p0.110234/lib/spark2/co...
Given that this is the default table type in Hive 3.x for all hive managed table, can Presto be enhanced to handle them? Any one upgrading to Hive 3.x will have diminished use for Presto without this support, as Presto can only handle ‘external’ tables in Hive 3.x Error Message, ...
在执行命令truncate 清空hive表时, 报错如下:FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10146]: Cannot truncate non-managed table mtime_qa.userorder_logs 我清空的是一个外部表。 如图: 看hortontworks官方解释: note:This error happens when you're trying to truncate an external table. Truncate needs to target ...
I am trying to insert data into Hive Managed table that has partition. Show create table output for reference. +---+--+ | createtab_stmt | +---+-