Azure Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters 語法和屬性,以用於部署資源的 Azure Resource Manager 範本。 API 版本最新版本
若要创建 Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters 资源,请将以下 Bicep 添加到模板。 Bicep 复制 resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2024-10-01' = { extendedLocation: { name: 'string' type: 'string' } identity: { delegatedResources: { {customized property}: { location...
Als u inzicht wilt krijgen in de interne onderdelen van een back-upbeleid voor Azure Disk Backup, haalt u de beleidssjabloon op met behulp van de opdrachtGet-AzDataProtectionPolicyTemplate. Met deze opdracht wordt een standaardbeleidssjabloon geretourneerd voor een bepaald gegevensbrontype. Geb...
[AgreementId <String>]: ID of the agreement. [DeviceDisplayName <String>]: The display name of the device used for accepting the agreement. [DeviceId <String>]: The unique identifier of the device used for accepting the agreement. Supports $filter (e...
Manager-managed LLC Operating Agreement If your LLC will be Manager-managed, you can download the Operating Agreement template below. Their Manager-managed LLC Operating Agreement template is available in 2 formats: Manager-managed LLC Operating Agreement (Word)Manager...
local server now has option to use local template resources for component requests Fixed cec create-site-map- will now correctly handle fallback languages and locale aliases if defined New in Release 22.11.1 Added cec sync-server- support DIGITALASSET_TRANSLATIONADDED event ...
and then run setup.exe from the command line. For example, you can edit the configuration file to download the 64-bit English edition of Microsoft 365 Apps, or you can edit the file to install the 64-bit English edition of Microsoft 365 Apps with the End-user license agreement (EULA) ...
Open Doc File with Word via Remoteapp open local files with published applications OpenGL and Remote Desktop OpenGL on Windows Server 2016 Opens the remote desktop on Server 2016.Server could not start the Remote Desktop Services Service on Local Server.Error 126: The specified module cannot be fo...
若要创建 Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters 资源,请将以下 Bicep 添加到模板。 Bicep 复制 resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2021-03-01' = { extendedLocation: { name: 'string' type: 'string' } identity: { type: 'string' userAssignedIdentities: { {customi...
如需可用附加元件的相關信息,請參閱附加元件、延伸模組和其他與 Azure Kubernetes Service 整合。 資源格式 若要建立 Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters 資源,請將下列 Bicep 新增至您的範本。 Bicep 複製 resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2024-03-02-previe...