NuGet Package Manager 6.6.0NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit Test Adapter for Boost.Test 1.0Enables Visual Studio's testing tools with unit tests written for Boost.Test. The use terms and...
If you still could not the "manage nuget packages for solution" option in this VS2013 Ultimate, to check if this issue is related to the VS2013 Ultimate set up file. I suggest you could try to copy this setup file and then install it on other machine and then check if you still ...
Have you read the design for our improvements in this area that I pointed you towards: We'd love feedback about that. NuGet is evolving away from PackagesConfig towards transitive NuGet systems (primarily PackageReference) where all...
See how to work with NuGet packages by using PowerShell commands in the Visual Studio Package Manager Console.
Open your project or solution in Visual Studio, and selectTools>NuGet Package Manager>Package Manager Consoleto open the Package Manager Console window. In the console, enterFind-Packagewith a keyword to find the package you want to install. For example, to find packages that contain the keywor...
Select a solution in Solution Manager, and then select Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution. In the Manage NuGet Packages for Solution window, select the projects that are affected by the operations.Consolidate tab...
When a solution filter file is used withNuGet.exe, it will only load the projects that are included in the filter, which means that NuGet dependences for excluded projects will not be restored by default. Now these dependencies can be restored for any dependency projects and their packages. ...
This command supports .csproj, .vbproj, legacy and SDK-style projects (.NET Core/Standard). Previously it was implemented as a Visual Studio extension:NuGetReferenceSwitcher. Usage Create aswitcher.jsonfile and specify the solution to look for projects, and the NuGet packages to replace with ac...
NuGet provides commands in the Package Manager Console to better control updates—such as to update all packages in the solution or to perform a “safe” update, for example. NuGet for Power Users While I’m a big fan of nice GUI dialogs, I know many developers who disdain mouse-dragging...
NuGet provides commands in the Package Manager Console to better control updates—such as to update all packages in the solution or to perform a “safe” update, for example. NuGet for Power Users While I’m a big fan of nice GUI dialogs, I know many developers who disdain mouse-dragging...