and which versions we depend on. So in NuGet terms, we're talking about package IDs and package versions. This happens to be exactly what is being stored into thepackages.configfiles that NuGet produces when managing NuGet packages in a project/solution. Next to that, there's ...
It also seems likely that when this NuGet package increased its version to, that pushed the typical path length to greater than 260. The most likely solution to this problem is to shorten the naming of some components such that the path will resolve to be less than ...
NuGetToolInstaller@1 - task: NuGetCommand@2 inputs: restoreSolution: '$(solution)' - task: VSBuild@1 inputs: solution: '$(solution)' msbuildArgs: '/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true ...
In C# Dev Kit, you can perform NuGet package operations in either of two ways: commands in the command palette or through right-click actions in the C# Dev Kit solution explorer. The below documentation details how to use each NuGet command through both of the two methods. ### Add a ...
Provide a name for the package source (for example: windows8nuget).Navigate to the MobileFirst SDK folder that was downloaded and extracted. Click OK.Click Update and then click OK.Right-click the Solution project-name in Solution explorer tab, which is to the right corner of the screen....
As part of the change for feature,, PackageIconUrl will eventually be changed PackageIconUri and can be relative path to a icon file which will included at the root of the resulting package.
Uplinked NuGet Packages:We strongly encourage you to submit NuGet packages toUnityNuGetthat have been uplinked by the OpenUPM registry. However, if you have a specific need to publish a NuGet package directly on OpenUPM, please use your own scope, such ascom.yourname.nuget-package-name. ...
This works, however I noticed that any time VSmac saves the project file (ie. due to change in project options or updating a nuget package) it also adds the files included through the external MSBuild files into the project file itself....
Adding MvvmCross to the phone app We need to go through a similar process here. First, let’s add the NuGet package to the Phone app as well. Right-click on the solution, selectManage NuGet packages for solution…, click Installed Packages, select MvvmCross and click m...
reducing the project size. With NuGet Power Tools, by specifying the package versions in the packages.config file, you will be able to download all the required libraries the first time you run the project. This is why you will have to run these steps after you open a new solution in ...