Man on Fire (1987) Today I'll be reviewing a gritty, tense, but nearly forgotten Italian action movie from the mid 80s. While most of its brethren are cheesy eye-rollers,Man on Fireis surprisingly good, despite what those Philistine IMDb commenters say (who generally fall into two camps,...
Man on Fire, with a best-ever Denzel Washington, is the first (nonreligious) sure thing to hit the multiplex this year. By Jack Mathews FULL REVIEW 70 Slate No one rises above the material, though, except for Walken, who looks pleased with the paycheck and the top-shelf tequila. ...
Synopsis:A war vet goes on a vengeance quest and rescue mission when the young teen he was hired to protect by her wealthy parents is abducted by ruthless kidnappers. Special Features:Theatrical Trailer. Review: The first filming of A. J. Quinnell’s novel harkens back to 1987, when French...
Man on Fire.(movies to see)(Movie Review)(Brief Article)Flanagan, Sylvia P
Review:Man on Fire is widely regarded as one of Tony Scott’s finest hours but I also consider it one of Denzel Washington’s best action movie roles. Washington plays Creasy, an alcoholic former special ops mercenary who is between jobs but he visits his friend Rayburn (Christopher Walken ...
City Ninja | aka Ninja Holocaust (1985) Review Posted onMay 24, 2017byPaul Bramhall AKA: Rocky’s Love Affairs Director: Choi Young-chul Cast: Michael Chan Wai-Man, Casanova Wong, Andy Chworowsky, Chae Eun-hui, Eagle Han Ying, Park Yun-geun, John Ladalski, Mabel Kwong Mei-Bo Runnin...
Review & Giveaway: Karate Lottie, Ballet Lottie, plus Sweet Dreams Accessory Pack How on earth is Star Wars rated U (“suitable for all”)? “You Are Not Going Out Dressed Like That!” (Unless You Want To) Check Out These Great New LEGO Scooby-Doo Stop Motion Videos (plus Giveaway...
Before I spin the speculation spindle, I have a quick special edition “Latino-Review Recommends…” entry for you.I recommend buying the Red Dragon Blu-ray/DVD. On it there is a documentary titled “A Director’s Journey: The Making of Red Dragon.”Forget the film. The reason to own ...
15 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 4/10 Cheap and cheerful Tarzan film. Savaged by the critics... but it has a certain innocence, not to mention some unintended hilarity. This 1959 Tarzan film is a real curio on several levels. For one thing, it is far and ...
Nope, he instead saves a man who has run over a fire hydrant and his car is full of water drowning him while people just sit and stare. BREAK THE DAMN WINDOWS! So yeah, this is how this thing we call a movie starts. This movie has done zero research on computers and feels its aud...