Man on Fire, with a best-ever Denzel Washington, is the first (nonreligious) sure thing to hit the multiplex this year. By Jack Mathews FULL REVIEW 70 Slate No one rises above the material, though, except for Walken, who looks pleased with the paycheck and the top-shelf tequila. ...
Review:Man on Fire is widely regarded as one of Tony Scott’s finest hours but I also consider it one of Denzel Washington’s best action movie roles. Washington plays Creasy, an alcoholic former special ops mercenary who is between jobs but he visits his friend Rayburn (Christopher Walken ...
《Man On Fire》的主題就是報復。Denzel Washington飾演特種部隊退役的軍人Creasy,因為過去殺人無數而飽受心魔折磨、日夜痛苦。直到接下保鑣工作,日夜與雇主家聰明、敏感、好勝的千金Pita(Dakota Fanning飾)互動後,他才逐漸找回流失的情感。但,綁匪毀了這一切,在以犯罪與貪腐聞名的墨西哥城。此時這部電影最有趣的地方...
Man on Fire (1987) Today I'll be reviewing a gritty, tense, but nearly forgotten Italian action movie from the mid 80s. While most of its brethren are cheesy eye-rollers,Man on Fireis surprisingly good, despite what those Philistine IMDb commenters say (who generally fall into two camps,...
Man on Fire.(movies to see)(Movie Review)(Brief Article)Flanagan, Sylvia P
《怒火救援》(Man on Fire):复仇就要这么爽! 观赏性:★★★☆ 丹哥们在获得奥斯卡的《训练日》(Training Day)之后,连续给咱来了好几碗温吞水,从《John Q》到《Out of Time》,不能说不好,但也说不上很吸引人,属于实力选手的保守性水平。 俗话说事不过三,果然,第四碗水就变成新鲜刺激的酸辣汤了。 故事...
Man on Fire: Directed by Tony Scott. With Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Radha Mitchell, Christopher Walken. In Mexico City, a former CIA operative swears vengeance on those who committed an unspeakable act against the family he was hired to protect.
我自己trap听得多,是因为喜欢他们的旋律,讲道理对于我这么一个听着华语流行音乐长大的人来说,嘻哈音乐,对我是有门槛的。如果坚持听品质好的嘻哈音乐,你听个三、四十首以后,会慢慢找到一点感觉,但能否坚持到那个时候,就是欣赏嘻哈音乐的第一个门槛。 旋律好听,一看歌词,又是一个问题。当然trap里有写词写得很好、...
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By stripesonfire | Review Date: October 23, 2011 Web of Shadows isn't exactly the kind of game that I inserted into my Xbox 360 exuding any amount of confidence; admittedly I had very low expectations but can proudly say that I was pleasantly surprised with the web-slinger once things st...