This sort of heredity appears modestly in other mammals and even lower in the animal kingdom, but in man it has incomparably fuller development and it combines with man's other characteristics unique in degree with a result that cannot be considered unique only in degree but must also be cons...
taxonomies provided by Wilson38following Fritz and Purvis39. Occurrences in grid cells were used to produce a presence/absence matrix with names of the 689 macro-mammal species as columns and the 18418 1º x 1º grid cells as rows. No records for species occurring in Antarctica were ...
(Rattus norvegicus), wild pigs (Sus scrofa; other common names include wild boar, wild/feral swine, wild/feral hog, and feral pig) have one of the widest geographic distributions of any mammal; further, it exhibits the widest geographic range of any large mammal34, with the exception of ...
names> </macro> <macro name="author"> <names variable="author"> <name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" " initialize-with="" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-et-al="never"/> <substitute> <names variable="editor"/> <names variable="translator"/> <text macro="title"...
d, Mice were injected 7 days after infection with Apo-1 or Nec-2, and parasitaemia was monitored. NATURE | VOL 403 | 13 JANUARY 2000 | © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 199 letters to nature The vitronectin receptor (VnR) integrin (avb3, CD51/CD61) is involved in ...
The upper teeth are designated with capital letters (P: premolars; M: molars), while the lowers with lowercase letters (p: premolars; m: molars; d: deciduous). 3. Systematics The studied material is referred to one avian and seven mammalian taxa, as follows: 3.1. Bird Class: Aves ...