Yo Momma So Dumb… Your friend’s mama not so smart? Give these jokes a try. Yo Momma So Ugly… Your friend’s mama fall from the ugly tree? Check these jokes out. Yo Mama So Fat… Your friend’s mama have more to love? You’ll love these jokes. ...
Yo Mama is so big…meaning, she runs the PTA and everyone knows her at the grocery store because she does not take sh*t from anyone. Yo Mama is so dumb…she went to the dentist to get a Bluetooth. That said, she is also well-read, well-traveled, has a nuanced view of history, ...
Collections of the best and funniest clean Yo Mama jokes for kids and adults alike. Yo Mama jokes (also known variously as Yo Mamma, Yo Moma and Yo Momma jokes) are, to quoteWikipedia: used to insult the target by way of their mother. Used as an insult, “yo mama jokes” prey on ...
This post is in fact in honor of the fact that Ramsin recently wrote -- and performed live -- a hundred yo mama jokes. Do not challenge this man.Andrew / December 13, 2010 10:57 AM yo mama is so dumb and cheap, when yo daddy told her to break out the fancy silver for dinner,...
The largest collection of yo momma jokes on the web. Yo mama is so fat, old, nasty, stupid and more.
It’s unclear why people enjoy the so-bad-it’s-good humor in online listicles and videos of yo mama jokes online, but they do. Your mother, yo mama, your mom, yer mum are variants of the phrase yo mama in this joke genre. Yo mama so dumb, they told her it was chili outside...
I like to write true things as jokes to avoid real emotion. Wait. Let’s change the subject. GODDAMNIT. So between needle guy talking about how some egos die harder than others, the Dutch therapist telling me to “actually feel things,” and my own restlessness, I was beginning to sus...
Some of these lines can be offensive but as is with taste, there can be a lot of opinions about it. So keep your mind open and remember, these are justfunny jokesmeant to pull your moods up, not down. Dig in and prepare for this collection of the best yo-mama roasts on the planet...
Free database of jokes including Red neck, blonde, Yo Mama, funny jokes, ethnic jokes, funny stories, funny pictures, naughty pictures, funny ads, unbelievable stories, dirty jokes, joke of the day. Search for jokes or browse by category.
particularly his Fresh Airinterviewfrom 2004. Daniel Handler is one of those rare authors and people who isn’t at all ashamed of his intellect. Of his predisposition to odd references and awkward jokes. He is like one of those kids in high school who (like me) could quote the entire scr...