I have been searching for a really good Gluten-free bread recipe and testing recipes for 2 years … FINALLY. Your’s is great! —Joan Thank you for this beautiful, delicious bread recipe. I haven’t had bread since going gluten free. This was a delight to make and enjoy. It’s so l...
Use in Noatmeal (No-Oat Oatmeal)-You got it- this is a delicious, high-protein alternative to oats that is great if you are looking to go low-grain or gluten free in your lifestyle. I like to blend it with flax, chia, some almond flour, and monk-fruit for a delicious “noatmeal...
Serves 4- 6. —“Mormon Mama Italian Cookbook” by Shannon M. Smurthwaite Shannon M. Smurthwaite is a Southern California native. The mother of four children, she and her husband, Donald, reside in Idaho. She is the author of “Mormon Mama Italian Cookbook.” Website: www.myitalianmama.c...
I usually buy eggs from local farms, and sometimes get them for free from a family friend who knows someone with lots of chickens that lay more eggs than they can eat. They look better. They taste so different than “regular” eggs. And I’m supporting local farmers. We all win. The ...
I’ve been doing every day. Letting life be ok and having a lot of faith that there is a grand plan. Most of all, God knows what He is doing and He can make a way when I cannot see a way. So basically my motto is cook something good and have a little faith. Ha ha!!!
These baked gluten-free pork chops are a spin-off of another popular recipe,crispy almond flour breaded chicken. Similar to that family-fave, the breading is equal parts almond flour and parmesan. This creates a golden coating, slightly nutty taste, and best of all…no one knows it’s GF...
I have been gluten free for years which helps. now its a diet of no folic acid for him, for life. Reply Kate March 23, 2018 Hi there – after having two miscarriages, I did genetic testing and found out I have a single MTHFR mutation. I also did nutrition testing a few weeks ...
she was there. I hope one day I will be able return that favor to someone else who is in need. I still have that cookbook where I found several go to recipes that we still love. King ranch chicken casserole is one of those. First time I made it in college, we fell in love. No...
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