49,50 Workers usually do not mate, so they lack the potential for laying female eggs, but ovarian development could be indicative of an ability to lay male eggs. Dominance hierarchies are also known in bumblebees and in some ant species that have small colonies.51 Body size differences can...
19, leading to the production of functional Tra protein which in association with Tra2 modulates the splicing ofdsxpre-mRNA in female mode;dsxpre-mRNA splices in a default mode in males in the absence of functional Tra protein20,21. Therefore, in drosophilids...
S.: Deoxyribonucleic acid values in dividing and non-dividing cells of male and female larvae of the honey bee. Nature (Lond.) 210 , 264–266 (1966).Mittwoch, U., Kalmus, H., and Webster, W. S. (1966). Deoxyribo- nucleic acid values in dividing and non-dividing cells of male ...
In addition to the quantity of the marking secretion, its composition likely plays a decisive role for male attractiveness. InP. triangulum, the composition of the males’ marking secretion has presumably been influenced by a female sensory bias [53–55]. FemaleP. triangulumuse (Z)-11-eicosen...
Briefly, we selected a single comb containing a high number of emerging drones from a colony at the Lake Wheeler Honey Bee Research Facility at NC State, USA. Drones emerged over the course of a 10-day period, and we collected them every 12 h placing them into cages constructed from wood...
Propolis, also referred to as bee glue, is a sticky resinous substance created by honeybees through the combination of their waxes and plant resins13. Historically, propolis extracts have been a staple in folk medicine due to their potent antioxidant properties and diverse biological effects includin...
Male vs Female Crickets With more than 900 species currently occurring on the Earth, crickets pose a significant interest about them. They are much s
japonicus. The proleg of male (A) and female (B) are sexual dimorphism, in that the prolegs of males are equipped with large suction cups (C) absented in females, and bear specialized adhesive setae on their ventral side. Each spatula seta, labeled with the rectangle, is shown at ...
(sperm viability vs. number of sperm with 2–4 days before ejaculation as the critical thermal window) two-trait models were used. These were setup using MCMCglmm v.2.2986with the same error distributions as the single-trait models. For female gametic traits, models were run for 5,000,000...
(whiteflies), even if they are the only hosts available. When a virgin female does deposit haploidmale eggsin a primary host (whiteflies), these eggs usually do not develop, for unknown reasons. An unusual population ofE. pergandiellawas found in which males could develop on the primary ...