The discovery that some horned beetles (but not horned species only) exhibit collaboration between a male and a female in nestbuilding is remarkable, for such collaboration is almost unknown elsewhere among insects. Even in completely social insects such as the ants and bees the males take no ...
Exposure to stresses such as heat, cold and pesticides can have a greater negative impact on drones (males) compared to worker (female) honeybees, studies have shown.New research has come to light showing male honeybees are more vulnerable to the effects of extreme t...
Female bees and wasps demonstrate, through their performance ofelaborate learning flights, when and where they memorise features ofa significant site. An important feature of these flights is that theinsects look back to fixate the site that they are leaving. Females,which forage for nectar and pol...
In subject area: Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine The product of the male accessory glands that serves as a transport medium for sperm and contains physiologically active substances that can affect the physiology of the female receiving it. ...
Clipart library offers about 29 high-quality male bees for free! Download male bees and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
If so, there is potential for pre-social insects to respond to QMP, and in a manner that is comparable to its normal effect on workers and drones. Remarkably, QMP applied to female Drosophila does induce worker-like qualities [Camiletti et al. (Entomol Exp Appl 147:262, 2013 )], and ...
Explain the unusual sex-determining system of eusocial insects like ants and bees. Why does this system favor the evolution of a non-reproductive worker caste? Why are workers all female? Why do workers sacrifice their own reproductive success to help the Why is it an advantage for animals th...
Female bees receive heterozygous CSD genes, whereas males receive only a single copy. That looks similar to the XO/ZO system, right? Well, here’s the twist. Unlike these systems, which receive autosomes from both parents, male honey bees andantsreceive chromosomes only from the female pare...
Apidologie (2022) 53: 49 © INRAE, DIB and Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature, 2022 Original article Nearly half of spring‑flying male Andrena bees consume pollen, but less than female conspecifics Katherine R. ...
The queens of eusocial bees, ants and wasps mate only during a very short period early in life and males therefore produce ejaculates consisting of large numbers of high quality sperm. Such extreme selection for high fecundity resulted in males investing