3 . Making Plots with MATLABPlotting, Basic
Analyzing Experimental Data and Making Pretty Plots in MATLAB Overview Are you a student or a researcher interested in using MATLAB? Do you want to use MATLAB for exploratory data analysis? Have you ever wondered how you could plot publication-quality plots and figures i...
At start of plot function I have disabled all controls in GUI and at the ending of plot function I have enabled all disabled controls. I am expecting the flow like - GUI controls get disabled as soon as I pressed PLOT button, then GUI plots ...
That's because I don't use the default line thickness for my plots. Let me show you what I mean. Here's a basic example ofplotfrom the MATLAB documentation: x = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi); y1 = sin(x); y2 = cos(x); figure plot(x,y1,x,y2) The plot above uses the default MA...
I'd like to create a GUI in Matlab in which I can loop over the data in time, like a movie, but allow the user to interactively use the plotting tools (zoom, pan specifically) while the loop is still going. Perhaps also have a "pause" and "rewind/forward" slider bar. ...
In the next section, I applied the peak and valley detection to the other 3 plots found in the spreadsheet. A helper function called plotpeaksandvalleys was created to reduce repetitive code. figure tiledlayout(4,1) nexttile plot(Data.TimePlot0,Data.XgPlot0,'Color','k') ...
Sign in to comment.Sign in to answer this question.Accepted Answer Wayne King on 17 Sep 2011 Vote 2 Link Open in MATLAB Online If you have a handle to a figure. ThemeCopy h1 = figure; plot(randn(100,1)); And after you create subsequent plots, you call: ThemeCopy figure(h1)...
Metacontrol of decision making in Study 1. (A) Mean model-based weights. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. (B,C) Individual differences in model-based weights. Plots show model-based weights in high-stakes trials (y-axis) against model-based weights in low-stakes trials (x...
In order to have an insight into how these four approaches performed in each generation, the average of convergence plots over ten replications; for instance, #1 in the 2S-7P dataset, is illustrated in Figure A2 of Appendix A. This figure proves that using the CLS and the DLS algorithms,...
In the decision optimization, the enterprise will combine financial net present value, profit, and output into comprehensive consideration. These uncertainties and decision-making processes will be described by a complete set of MATLAB numerical simulation techniques. Additionally, this framework still ...