These products are easy to obtain, and you likely have some of them at home. Use these additions to heat your compost pile to rejuvenate the beneficial microbes and move the composting process along.In addition to aleaf composting solution, these additions are ideal for your compost heap. Urin...
Keeping a compost heap or bin takes a little work, but the result is much better than any commercial fertilizer you could purchase. Using chemical fertilizers starves the beneficial flora and fauna in the soil. Furthermore, artificial nutrients do not improve soil structure at all, but organic ...
12 Things you should never compost– Not everything belongs in a compost pile. It’s not a garbage heap! Weird things you did not know you could compost– You mean I can putthaton the compost pile? Composting tips for Small Yards This composting guide is not just for those with large ...
"I rot down the perennial weeds from my garden in a tubful of water before putting them on the compost heap;the liquid is like soup and smells dreadful! Can I use it as liquid fertiliser, or should I just keep it for rotting the weeds as i do at the moment?"Paul Stevenson on Tues...
I decided to bring my (arguably short) session to an end soon after I’d cleared around the fruit bushes – my hand was cramping from tightly grasping the sickle and the compost heap looked like this: (It’s a pretty bin heap – at least a metre deep and wide, and as tall as me...