A Heap of Treasure; How to Cook Up Great CompostAdrienne Cook
Find out how to build your own compost bin using old pallets, in this simple step-by-step project. From the experts at BBC Gardeners' World Magazine.
Step 4: Turn and Water Your Compost Nature puts a bit of effort into decomposing organic matter, and when you compost you help speed that process along. Your pile will get warm, as decomposition is quick between 110 and 160 degrees. Turn your heap when it seems to be cooling, and add ...
No kidding. Research indicates that weeds may be stimulated to grow by a sudden flash of light, which is what you give them when you turn the soil over during the day. A German study concluded that by turning the soil at night, weed germination could be reduced by as much as 78 percent!
‘green’ materials (like kitchen scraps and grass clippings) with ‘brown’ materials (such as dry leaves and cardboard). Introduce a compost starter or activator, like well-rotted manure or garden soil, to supply beneficial microbes. Regularly turn the pile to aerate and facilitate ...
Turn the compost pile every week or two. If using a tumbler, give it a spin whenever you add new food scraps. In dry times of the year, water the compost heap while you turn it. Compost tumblers can be watered with a garden hose or watering can. ...
Another super simple way to get yourself composting in style. A smart tip from Eartheasy: build two of these bins and set them up beside each other. This allows you to turn your compost by simply shoveling the pile into the neighboring bin — much easier than trying to turn a pile with...
cutting all the weeds off from their roots at ground level. They can be collected and put on a compost heap. Annual weeds won’t regrow from portions of root left in the ground, but they do self-seed liberally, so it’s important to remove them before they have a chance to set seed...
You have to make sure your compost pile gets: Plenty of air: Turn it every four to seven days, especially at first. Adequate water: It should be moist, but not soaking wet; give it a spray weekly. Proper mix of carbon to nitrogen: the ratio should be about 30:1. Small pieces: ...
Once a week, or as soon as the center starts to cool down, turn the pile. Move materials from the center of the pile to the outside. For usable compost in 1 to 3 months, turn it every other week; if you want it to be finished within a month, turn it every couple of days. ...