总结一下,include更常用于包含静态的 Makefile 文件,而$(eval ...)更适合处理动态生成的 Makefile 代码。如果你需要在 Makefile 中处理复杂的逻辑,可能需要用到$(eval ...)。 请注意,这个对比表格并不是绝对的,使用include还是$(eval ...)取决于具体的应用场景。 Makefile中.PHONY和.SUFFIXES的含义 内容过...
Makefile教程,第五部分、书写规则 规则包含两个部分,一个是依赖关系,一个是生成目标的方法。 在Makefile 中,规则的顺序是很重要的,因为,Makefile 中只应该有一个最终目标,其它的目标都是被这个目标所连带出来的,所以一定要让 make 知道你的最终目标是什么。一般来说,定义在 Makefile 中的目标可能会有很多,但是...
CMake生成的Makefile默认安装路径是/usr/local/,如果安装到其他路径,需要指定cmake -DCAMKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/usr .. 安装可执行文件到bin目录 INSTALL(TARGETS demo RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) 安装头文件 INSTALL(DIRECTORY src/include DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_PATH_INCLUDE} FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h")...
rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR) $(EXECUTABLE) I want to createbin,bin/src/,bin/src/graphicsandbin/src/mathdirectories. At the targetinitI've donemkdir -p "$(OBJ_DIR)/$(SRC_DIR)"but that only createsbin/src src/graphics src/mathinstead ofbin/src bin/src/graphics/ bin/src/math. How can I ad...
在Makefile中,我们的依赖关系可能会需要包含一系列的头文件,比如,如果我们的main.c中有一句#include "defs.h",那么我们的依赖关系应该是: main.o : main.c defs.h 但是,如果是一个比较大型的工程,你必需清楚哪些C文件包含了哪些头文件,并且,你在加入或删除头文件时,也需要小心地修改Makefile,这是一个很没有...
文件指示。其包括了三个部分,一个是在一个Makefile中引用另一个Makefile,就像C语言中的include一样;另一个是指根据某些情况指定Makefile中的有效部分,就像C语言中的预编译#if一样;还有就是定义一个多行的命令。有关这一部分的内容,我会在后续的部分中讲述。 注释。Makefile中只有行注释,和UNIX的Shell脚本一样...
The above command makes the shell run the script named configure which exists in the current directory. The configure script basically consists of many lines which are used to check some details about the machine on which the software is going to be installed. This script checks for lots of ...
I know this takes time but sometimes "kill and rebuild" will be better... [Q3] If my.h is updated and it is referenced by a.c,b.c, and c.c... Can I just take one step to cover above ? [My makefile in sub directory looks like] INCLUDE1 = -ic:\watcom\h OBJECTS1...
!include $(_MAKEENVROOT)\makefile.def After Build.exe locates the dirs and sources files, it sets an internal environment variable. Nmake.exe uses this variable to append the Sources.cmn file to sources files in applicable subdirectories. For information about Sources.cmn, seeSources File. ...
-include Makefile.ci __DIRECTORY_VARIABLES := \ RIOTBASE \ RIOTCPU \ RIOTMAKE \ RIOTPKG \ RIOTTOOLS \ RIOTPROJECT \ APPDIR \ BUILD_DIR \ BINDIRBASE \ BINDIR \ PKGDIRBASE \ DLCACHE_DIR \ # # In GNU make command line is supposed to override the value set in...